Caribou Gear Tarp

Bill to expand WY Wilderness areas

This might seem like a really dumb question, but why do most of the wilderness areas need to be in mountain terrain? Why can’t it be on the prairie? I like mountains as much as the next person but man I love me some prairie. Also I feel that I need to clarify I like wilderness in the mountains it would just be cool to see some on the prairie. Is it different controlling bodies NFS vs BLM? Genuinely curious not trying to get someone’s banana hammock in a bunch.
Partly due to requirements for "minimal human imprint" and minimum of 5000 acres. Lot harder to build roads in the mountains. Typically the land management agencies have reviewed most areas for eligibility and that's where a lot of the wilderness study areas came from.

There are some non mountainous/forest wilderness areas, we have one BLM one in WA, Juniper Dunes Wilderness.

This might seem like a really dumb question, but why do most of the wilderness areas need to be in mountain terrain? Why can’t it be on the prairie? I like mountains as much as the next person but man I love me some prairie. Also I feel that I need to clarify I like wilderness in the mountains it would just be cool to see some on the prairie. Is it different controlling bodies NFS vs BLM? Genuinely curious not trying to get someone’s banana hammock in a bunch.
It’s only wilderness today because it was the only places left undisturbed and resisted development.

I would love for more prairie wilderness areas but it will never happen. I’ve argued with ranchers within Wilderness Study Areas that claim it’s their right as the lease holder to round up cattle in a Polaris Side by Side.
@wllm @kwyeewyk @Schaaf thanks for the explanations, Continuous acres, undisturbed land and the side by sides make total sense. I also think it sucks that there isn’t prairie enrolled in wilderness areas.

Real bummer, on the buffalo gap national grassland in South Dakota they put up a bunch of t posts with the plastic cover that says road closed behind it. I bet they weren’t up for a week without someone driving over them. Also every draw in the spring has 4 wheeler or side by side tracks in it.
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if were gonna lock up some wyoming wilderness areas,i vote for that elk mountain ranch billionaires guys place in the cross hatch /border crossing area in dispute!! that would get them bent out of shape when they loose there land to public!!never happen,but its a thought.
Yep. This was the point of WPLI, and the point of Barassos bill. They want to release some WSAs to development, plain and simple. Theyll throw the other side a bone to get it done. I know WSAs aren't supposed to be studied forever, but I sure as hell don't trust our current political makeup to responsibly decide what to do with them, and frankly, I'm quite happy with the status quo. A lot of my favorite WSAs are the ones that are not Rock and Ice, that habitat type is overrepresented in capital W wilderness in Wyoming compared to deserts, winter ranges etc...

WSAs can't be managed in any way that would make them ineligible for future capital W destination. Whereas capital W can have a lot of activities green lighted that would never fly in a WSA so long as it's written in the enabling language.

Things to consider...
I'd encourage you all to really consider that the WSAs are already protected quite well. How much of that are you willing to trade away just to get a designation that could in fact lessen protections on land as is goes from WSA to Capital W? Not to mention how many WSAs will get straight up developed.

I advised the non profit I worked for not to take part in WPLI, but my God, they HAVE to have a SEAT AT THE TABLE. BS. WCC's assn. was always just steering to a predetermined outcome and trying to make it look like there was consensus where there wasn't, and a lot of self important conservationists fell right into it because they just had to have a seat at that table. They felt the process was flawed but it would be better with them "at the table".

I still disagree.
This might seem like a really dumb question, but why do most of the wilderness areas need to be in mountain terrain? Why can’t it be on the prairie? I like mountains as much as the next person but man I love me some prairie. Also I feel that I need to clarify I like wilderness in the mountains it would just be cool to see some on the prairie. Is it different controlling bodies NFS vs BLM? Genuinely curious not trying to get someone’s banana hammock in a bunch.
I agree. The desert is gorgeous as well with hidden gems everywhere, and some of it deserves wilderness designation. More importantly for ungulates, the desert provides winter habitat that is just as essential as the mountainous summer habitat. The mountains and prairies are biologically, inextricably linked. But the Wilderness Act requires that there be no roads or human habitation in a wilderness area, "untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain."Big Sandy country 1-18-21.JPG
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Impersonally hate the Wilderness area designations. Many of the WSAs would be completely unknown to the public without a designation. For example the adobe town WSA. Who would be going out of their way to access or reach that ground? Many of the WSAs are designated on ground that should not qualify. For example there is a WSA NW of Grand Junction Colorado. This WSA has certain sections within the WSA boundary that they excluded so that they can do mechanical treatments to the range for Feral Horses feed. Many WSAs have minimal wilderness traits. Many have existing mines, roads etc.

Look at the honey combs here by Lander, how many people would end up out there without the designation? But since it is designated people go out there all the time.

Just some thoughts but naming them
And labelling them attracts
Extra attention.
One more reason to move to Wyoming once Bozeman is completely developed and we kill all the elk in MT…😉
Same thing with National Park… a lot of rock and ice has protections while very few acres of prairie or sage flat do… partially I think it has to do with Wilderness needing to be a continuous undisturbed swath of land and most prairie is littered with roads.
Correct. Along with no kind of any infrastructure. So the prairie would be hard with pipelines, wells, fences, and so on.
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