Caribou Gear Tarp

Big Bull ELK .. on somebody else’s dime.

Well I went and looked at the links you posted. The two New Mexico outfitters sound like they would offer a good hunt also. I wouldn't mind going to New Mexico on an elk hunt, one reason being that I've never been there. It would be a hard decision! But I do know I would have no interest whatsoever in going to that Extreme Genetics. What a joke!
Man I just looked at that 452 bull. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out what I'd do. I'd get the biggest bull for my money period. What really is the difference, when you buy a bull you buy a bull!! It's like saying, I'd rather have that Geo instead of that Viper!!!
So, uncle Greenhorn, you got a neice I can date ?

The New Mexico option looks better to me cause it's public land.

First I would talk to the uncle and suggest/requets this option. I use the money to take a one month vacation, buy the New Mexico landowner tag and all new gear ( custom gun, Swarovski optics...ect...)
Hire a camp helper/cook and go one a marathon do-it-myself hunt in the Gila.
I'm with Anaconda, that's a better spent $15,000 for sure and a great hunt. For $15K you could probably buy an archery and a gun tag and lots of gear and hunt a lot. At the Utah place you need $12,500 to get a 350+.

Another possibility is to get these over 320 bulls for $7500, you could definitely hunt bow and gun and have more money for gear available.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-27-2002 09:30: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
I would tell the old man what ever he wanted to hear, taek the money and spend about 3 months in Cabo San Lucas. Catch a couple of big blue dogs, and send home pictures. A Grander Blue is worth more than a 350 bull elk. If he wants to see pics of a 350 bull, I'll show him pictures of the 349 bull I've already got. That way we both win.

If I absolutely had to hunt elk with the money, I would probably buy the LO tag in New Mexico.

i would do like all the other fat asses that are so called hunters and go to extreme genetics and shoot the biggest bull my pimp could find and shoot him, where??? you guessed it right in the ASS mount that big beeeeoch and tell everyone that i killed it in montana with 500yrd running shot during a snowstorm! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i wonder how many of these critters are i the books and how many of these guys actually tell the true story of how they killed it?????

honestly if i had fifteen grand to spend and had to hunt elk i think i could do it more than just once, hell i could hunt elk on fifteen grand for years! may never kill one but i garuntee ill have a better time on several hunts than just one successful one! just my .02!


the Genetic RANCH in a heart beat..... !!!!!

Since everyone is so Generous, If I really had another option I guess I'd offer 280 the money. He says his employees make more in one month then I make a year but I guess he makes around the 15k a year mark.... So he could be making a years worth of salary.... (YOU'RE WELCOME little prICK) !!!!

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