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Best Crossbow for elk?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
SW Michigan
There is a portion of me that is intrigued by this. I have a AZ Champ permit that allows me to use one. I have never exercised that permit but this year there is a place that kind of equipment could be utilized. A portion of the unit is Archery only. There is a significant trophy benefit to hunting that area.

I’ve never shot one nor even handled one. I’ve always had a compound. I quit bow hunting several years ago because it just wasn’t fun anymore. I did pull it out and it still worked 2 seasons ago to take a doe. Could I use it again on this hunt, probably. There is a definite risk that either my shoulder or the bow limbs explode. Either would likely end the hunt.

So what’s running thru my mind is what to upgrade to? This may be a once in a lifetime time tag to have, time will tell. A new bow would solve the limb issue, but not the shoulder. A new cross bow will solve both issues, but create tons of haters. Some who are already boiling at just reading this. Please feel free to save me from your personal thoughts on hunting purity. Your tax dollars paid for me to get hurt in uniform. A Dr recommended me for the permit, AZ Game and fish approved it, it is what it is.

So for those of you who dare to admit using one. What are the advantages and disadvantages to look at when looking a different models?
Don't overthink it I bought my dad one after he wasn't able to use his longbow anymore. It's probably 5-6 years old and shoots about 360fps and has zipped through every deer except 2 (shoulder and a frontal shot). Would absolutely trust it to go through a elk especially with the 150gr slicktrick broadheads. You don't have to get one of those couple thousand dollar fancy rigs that shoot 500+fps. A basic model shooting in the 350-400fps will be just fine at standard archery range. I think your bolt and broadhead selection are more important you'll want a nice heavy bolt and heavy fixed blade broadhead with possibly a collar to give you a good FOC.

The above crossbow design is great design because it doesn’t have wheels and it’s easy to replace the string. My dad has one like this but his isn’t this cool camo pattern. He killed a buck white tailed deer with his this year.

He’s 80 years old.
I think you should look into some of the ones with the pink camo. They will look really good with the trophy pose!

I ended up buying a Wicked Ridge Fury 410 a couple years back and am happy with it. It has a de-cocking mechanism which I thought worked well for how you will feel when you are using it. ;)

Seriously it seemed to be about the best bang for the buck at the time and for sure sitting in a tree stand or in a blind it is nice to be able to de-c0ck it by winding it down instead of having to shoot it each time after you c0ck it.
Draw lock and a new bow? I only say that because it could also open options for other states. Good luck with the tag

That thing looks like a pain in the ass. Might as well have a crossbow if I go that route. As far as other states, my home state anyone can use one for most anything. I am mainly a rifle hunter, this tag just has that option because of a very specific restriction area.
That thing looks like a pain in the ass. Might as well have a crossbow if I go that route. As far as other states, my home state anyone can use one for most anything. I am mainly a rifle hunter, this tag just has that option because of a very specific restriction area.
They really are but the only guy I know that packs a x bow says the same thing. I’m not gonna try and derail or sway you either way just thought I’d mention that
I think you should look into some of the ones with the pink camo. They will look really good with the trophy pose!

I ended up buying a Wicked Ridge Fury 410 a couple years back and am happy with it. It has a de-cocking mechanism which I thought worked well for how you will feel when you are using it. ;)

Seriously it seemed to be about the best bang for the buck at the time and for sure sitting in a tree stand or in a blind it is nice to be able to de-c0ck it by winding it down instead of having to shoot it each time after you c0ck it.

I would have thought that would be a standard option. I glanced at them the other day and was pretty sure there was a kitchen sink mounting tab on most of them. They were pretty busy and overwhelming to look at.
Don't overthink it I bought my dad one after he wasn't able to use his longbow anymore. It's probably 5-6 years old and shoots about 360fps and has zipped through every deer except 2 (shoulder and a frontal shot). Would absolutely trust it to go through a elk especially with the 150gr slicktrick broadheads. You don't have to get one of those couple thousand dollar fancy rigs that shoot 500+fps. A basic model shooting in the 350-400fps will be just fine at standard archery range. I think your bolt and broadhead selection are more important you'll want a nice heavy bolt and heavy fixed blade broadhead with possibly a collar to give you a good FOC.

Are the broad heads specific for x bows or are they universal?
Are the broad heads specific for x bows or are they universal?
The only difference I've noticed with fixed blades is they seem to offer them in heavier grains. Mechanicals you might see a stiffer collar or release system for the blades but honestly I think most the difference is in the price and packaging.
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The decocking mechanism is very useful. Many states don’t allow the transportation of a cocked crossbow. I have an Excalibur Matrix 380. Excalibur crossbows are recurves… no wheels. Pretty simple. I have used this one for over 12 years. Taken a couple dozen deer with it. Lots of really good stuff on the market today. I suggest attending a Cabela’s or archery shop where they will allow you to try out a few different crossbows. I use mechanical broadheads for deer. I think most guys use fixed blade for elk. Physical impairments made using a regular bow impossible for me. Don’t listen to the haters !! Do what you want to do and have fun !! It’s your hunt !!

Just do it right and get one that will be exciting, intriguing, and addicting.... :)

A friend has one and claims its crazy accurate and a lot of fun.
During my x bow elk hunting time I discovered they are cumbersome and heavy. That doesn't matter much when hunting from a stand, but carrying a light and narrow (meaning compound) bow is much easier. Mine liked 125 gr fixed blade Bheads.

Just do it right and get one that will be exciting, intriguing, and addicting.... :)

A friend has one and claims its crazy accurate and a lot of fun.
Sticker shock. I had no idea. mtmuley
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