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Been busy


Sep 22, 2005
Kodiak, AK
Well I haven't posted anything for a while.
I spent 10 days back in Wisconsin over Thanksgiving hunting deer with family and friends. It was a fun trip and always good to get back to the old stomping grounds. My dad got me interested with this picture of a 13 pointer he'd been seeing.


My brother got a shot at him on the third day but missed. To our knowledge no one took him so he should be a real brute next year. My dad did take a 10 point with an 18" spread though that was pretty nice.


I saw 8 bucks but nothing big enough to put a tag on.
I got back to Kodiak on the 1st and went duck hunting with my friend on the 6th. It was a foggy day and we could only see about 50 yards. We did alright for 3 hours of hunting though.


A couple friends and I made it over to Portlions Friday night for a last minute deer hunt. The one guy has a cabin over there and it will be a very nice cabin once its finished, but right now its just framed up with siding and no insulation. We had a couple propane heaters and slept on air mattresses so it was a little chilly, but better than sleeping in a tent.
Saturday we took 4 wheelers out the easement to the state land. Spotted a black fox and a nice cross fox on the way in but no deer tracks or sign. We made it over to where the trail splits to go to either Dry Spruce Bay or Viekoda and did some glassing.


A little chilly but not too bad, temps in the high 20s.


We heard some shots and spotted a quad and hunter it looked like he got a doe. Once he was done we continued out that way and spotted a lone deer up on the mt. We went up after it, but only came across a doe and fawn. We didn't want to shoot a doe with a fawn because the fawn would have little chance of survival. We then decided to cut trail out to Viekoda. It was a little hairy with numerous beaver ponds and some thick brush along the way. Once we got out there we spotted a lone deer and decided to go after it. Couldn't find it once we got up there so one guy gave a few doe bleets and a doe came running at us. My friend shot that one at about 100 yards.


The other one stuck its head up, but we already had one down and it was getting late so we let it go. One last picture of Veikoda Bay and Uganik Island.


It was a rough ride out with a few winch jobs getting out of sink holes and one guy dropped his front end through the ice on a beaver pond. Spotted another black fox on the way out. We made it back to Port lions after dark pretty sore and tired, but we had a few beverages and had brats and caribou backstrap on the grill.
We had only spotted 9 deer so we diced to try hunting off the boat on Sunday. We took off at first light (9am) toward Kupreanof Peninsula. Spotted a few deer up high on the way, but mainly does with fawns. Made it out to the cape and spotted a buck so me and another guy jumped off on the beach. 3 does cut for higher ground as soon as the boat hit the beach, but we didn't see the buck so we hiked up in. No luck, he must have cut out the other side. I gave a few doe bleats and had a doe and fawn come out, but nothing else.


We then cut across Kupreanof straight and spotted about 10 does up on point. Went a little further and spotted a buck. We were looking for a place to access the beach, 20 foot cliffs, and spotted about 10 more deer and a big old bore bear about 300 yards off. Decided he'd probably take anything we shot and it may get a little hairy so called it a day and went back to PL to pack up for the trip home. Weather was decent and we made Kodiak by 4pm.
Its a little tough hunting this late because the bucks have started to drop their horns, but my buddy put a little meat in the freezer. I did a lot of deer hunting this fall and it was a fun trip to end the season with.
Nice pics and fall, but WTF, 10 pointers.....13 points...for the love of GOD.:rolleyes::D
That TB guy seems pretty cool to me Miller, your just too gay to understand.

TB, where in WI were you hunting? looks like the western coulee country somewhere. I have land in Neillsville on the Black river.
That TB guy seems pretty cool to me Miller, your just too gay to understand.

TB, where in WI were you hunting? looks like the western coulee country somewhere. I have land in Neillsville on the Black river.

Schmalts, just ignore that belly button sniffer. I think the lack of cheese and beer in his diet as a youngster stunted his growth and made him awnery... :D

My dad's got land in southwest Jackson County between Melrose and Northbend. Also another chunk with my brother and two uncles between Melrose and BRF. Here's an old Black River bottom buck taken a couple miles from the land.


Neillsville? you may know a couple of the cranberry growers we do deer drives with on Monday after opening weekend. Actually had a shot at the buck in this pic but passed it up. Decent buck, but he's marginal for QDM and there were bigger ones around.

SW Jackson county? I used to hunt a piece of land about half a mile from Trump Lake. That was about 5 miles or so directly south of Taylor. I liked that area, but bought where I am due to the fishing is pretty darn good there as well making it a great summer place as well. QDM is pretty poor where I am just because of hunting numbers. It could be great but most land owners need to tell half the crew to go someplace else. I just don't understand when someone thinks 40 acres is plenty big enough for 3 guys to hunt on:rolleyes: We have a lot of deer but it is really rare for a 3 1/2 year old to make it through a season much less a 2 1/2. Suck to think what it could be. I despise our gun season so much I only hunted the opening Saturday and that was it.
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