BAD HUNT (very long)


May 11, 2004
Little Rock, AR
This is the story of a very bad hunt I went on this fall. I hesitated to post it at all, but I think a few things can be learned from it. I will not name the outfitter as my intention is not to hammer him, but I think we all need to be careful when we book a hunt.

First let me explain that I was and still hold a guides license in Idaho. I have been on 74 Elk hunts, 73 as a guide, and this was the first as a hunter. Hunts I guide in Idaho are in the frank church, 28 miles from a road, and the experiece is a huge part of the hunt. I also know how things work, and how outfitters conduct business in order to be sucessful. I only went on this hunt for 2 reasons, first beacuse I didn't get to go on my stone sheep hunt in BC due to my business partner getting in a very bad auto accident the night before I was to leave, and second because I wanted to kill a really big bull. The kind thats hard to come by on the Frank Church, and I'm never the hunter there anyway. The outfitters website says he averages 342 on bulls.

There are 4 guys from Little Rock who have hunted with this guy 6 years in a row and have come home with an unreal 24 bulls, averaging over 320! You could not get a better recomendation. We got in touch with the outfitter,and got in on a cancellation hunt that costs 2x what a middle Fork hunt costs, but we got a break, and were still spending more than enough to take the family to disneyworld. We were to stay in a very nice lodge, the guys from LR even had a video of it and showing hundreds of elk and hunt in new Mexico. We were told to not shoot anything under 330 the first 3 days. It was going to be awesome. I asked the guy to send us contracts, and he said he was too busy. I told him we would not drive all the way out there without a contract, and he assured me we had the hunt... for the discounted price, so we went anyway.

The day we got there we met the outfitter in a small town in southern CO, where he imformed us we were hutning in CO, and he had 2 left over landowner tags for antelope. we could hunt that day. The season ended that day so we had to be quick. he told us if you don't get a good goat, you wont have to pay. We went for goats, and before dark had 2 -14 inch goats, and it was awesome. it was a great way to start the hunt.

When we got town and dropped the goats at the meat packer, the outfitter told us his brother was guiding us, and the cook had the night off ( the night all the hunters arrive?) Our first clue, so we had a subway and headed for the lodge. Before we split up I told the outfitter that we wanted to settle up, we owed him for the elk hunt, and the goat hunt. He said don't worry about it until the hunt is over. The outfitter it turns out went to the lodge, 3 hours away and we went to a camper, next to a mobile home, second clue. A retired couple was putting us up, the guide slept in the house and we slept in the camper. It was OK. a little cool, (water bottle froze solid) but OK though not a lodge. Its a little weird on an elk hunt to have trick or treaters coming to the door, and to have to go knock on the door if someone home and tell them you need to use the bathroom, but hey if the hunting is good none of that stuff matters.

The next morning the man who lived there (he was a fine gentlman) told us the hunting was sorry, and this was typically the worst hunt of the year. That was another clue. We hunted 3 days and saw 3 cows. And No sign. In fact there was very little hunting. 2 hours in the am and 2 hours in the pm, and almost no walking. Plus the land was actively being logged while we were there. Most of the hunting was driving roads in my Tahoe ( the guide had a ford ranger) and looking for sign. the rest of the time we watched TV, and election BS which was a fate worse than death on an elk hunt, while the guide worked on his taxidermy business. We decided we had enough and asked the guide to call his brother and move us. He called and They decided we should just hunt harder and hope something showed up. We were hunting private ground and we found out they had paid the landowner for the hunt, so he had to take someone there. We called BS and decided to leave. we paid the guide his daily wage, paid the couple for putting us up and groceries, and paid for the goat hunt....BUT NOT THE ELK HUNT.

This caused the guide to call us every name in the book, etc, but we got on the road. The couple we stayed with was very nice and told us to to have safe trip home. about 30 minutes later the guide caught us on the road and flagged us down. Seems they decided to move us, to the lodge, and guarantee us monster bulls if we would just stay one more day. We talked it over and decided we had been screwed once and going on would only make it worse for us. We were leaving, and we left.

I have since thought alot about it. I have also been cussed by the outfitter and the guys from LR that hunt with him.

If you are going to hunt with an outfitter get a contract. make certain you are getting the hunt you think you are. Find out where youa e going to hunt, and where you are going to stay. If the outfitter had taken care of his business we would be out the money and suing him.

Maybe you think we screwed him by not paying, but we operated on the antelope plan. don't pay if you don't get one. We got two good goats, so if we figure it was a goat hunt, then everyone is happy.

Like I said earlier, the experience if a huge part of the hunt in my mind. this guy is not selling any experience, just big bulls. If the bulls aren't there, what do you have? A very sorry hunt.
Sorry about the hunt Arcat, he would have had a hard time getting any money out of me either. I hope whitetail hunting went better for you.

Are the LR guy's experience legit? 2 dozen 320 bulls seems a bit "too good to be true".

Sorry about the experience, and the loss of the time.

You always got the Frank!!!

Sounds like a bad experience to me. I wouldn't even call it a hunt. The lure of the big rack has replaced ethics. As long as hunters are more interested in the size of the trophy than the experience, this kind of crap will continue. Sad deal.

sucks, but you didn't pay, so that helps-I think you did right, he(the outfitter) knew you were paying a discounted rate so he tried to slip you a fast one and hoped you were stupid or got lucky--only when he realized the game was up did he come up with plan B--there's no shame in posting this guys name, as it will happen to future hunters and there's no way he should get away with it--were you to hunt elk in New Mexico originally or CO??--what's LR??-chris
We thought we were hunting New Mexico. The 24 bulls is for real, the scores may not be, but I have seen some 350-360 bulls they have killed. LR is Little Rock. I really don't think this outfitter is a bad guy, I just think he had already paid for the access to this ranch, and had to put some hunters in there and hope for the best. I go on hunts for the experience, and here there was none. We really aren't out anything but time, and if it was just a goat hunt, everyone would be happy.

I have guided a guy for 8 days in the frank and not seen a bull before. But I tried to hunt hard, keep a positive attitude, and then the outfitter gave him a free hunt for the next year.
You just had bad luck all around this year didnt you ARCAT. That would have been a kick ass trip you planned with your buddy who got hurt. I dont think you did anything undignified with this outfitter, you paid him for his goat hunting services and got the hell out of a bad situation.
"We talked it over and decided we had been screwed once and going on would only make it worse for us." That would have been the hard decision, but it the water bottle already froze once, that would help convince me to make the same decision. I'm not used to water bottles freezing, if I expect to be in a great lodge.

So, are you making plans for a next hunt yet? The antelope part sounds good, that's pretty neat. Did you get the meat, etc.?
This was the hard part. I argued hard to stay, I wanted a big bull bad. but my buddy who is older and wiser knew what to do. He said we were now in charge, we had our money and were on the road, no harm done. Had we gone back to the lodge, the outfitter would have been in control. We had no reason to believe based on what we had seen that we would get a bull, or even get to hunt. the only thing that was for sure is if we went up there we would have to pay. They did admit that there were hunters at the lodge who had not tagged out yet. I wonder how they would have felt had we gone up there and killed a couple big bulls. Its really hell when hunting all comes down to money. Gar man can atest to the fact that i like to hunt, and hunt hard. This was not a hunt.

We did get our antelope meat, capes and horns from the meat packer. I was suprised we got them but we did. The meat is good, and to me a 14 inch goat is a trophy.
sure he had to put some hunters there, but if he would've been honest about the whole situation I can understand, but he tried to dupe you--end of story--he wasn't a nice guy to you on the elk end, which was why you were there in the first place--

he knew he was going to have to put someone on that property and without that contract you guys were prime pickings--did he plan it that way or did it just happen to turn out that way--I can guarantee we will never know--what we do know is how you were treated--discounted hunt or not--paid for or not--bottom line is his word or intent was not up to par---I for sure would want to know who this outfitter is, so that none of my friends or myself get burned, eventhough I doubt I'm going to hunt with an outfitter for some time--but I do understand your stance--all you were out was time--but still that counts for a lot and you didn't get to hunt elk really--chris
Sorry to hear of your outfitter situation ARCAT. Sounds like you did the right thing by getting out of a bad situation. Hope the next time you will fare very well.

Sorry to hear about the Stone Sheep hunt you had to back out on. Do you get to postphone until next year or are you out the deposit? Who did you have the hunt booked with? Are you going to FNAWS this year? If so, check out my post on the big game section reguarding the 1/2 slam and 3/4 slam drawings. If you qualify and win a free sheep hunt, it would make up for this years disapointment.

no problem on the stone sheep hunt

thats with a great outiftter Mike Hammett. I can put that off to whenever. I just have to let mike know a couple years in advance. I've hunted with Mike 3 times. I'm not out anything but a $833 plane ticket. I think I'll go in 06. I'm not going to fnaws, just the dallas SC this year.
Hey, you sound like you were down where i got royally screwed on my first and only guided hunt. The outfitter wasnt apache park was it??

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