Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

B.A.D.A.S.S. #11 - Leupold rifle scope

Congrats to you elkwidow, I am sure that scope will look great on your fancy, new rifle.
You guys obviously don't know Lawnboy that well. He is so cheap his shoes squeak..... If I want a new rifle I will have to buy it for myself. He talks a good game.... But I will take you all out to eat if he actually buys me a new rifle.
You guys obviously don't know Lawnboy that well. He is so cheap his shoes squeak..... If I want a new rifle I will have to buy it for myself. He talks a good game.... But I will take you all out to eat if he actually buys me a new rifle.

You might know a fella that could get you a deal on a Howa.:D
You guys obviously don't know Lawnboy that well. He is so cheap his shoes squeak..... If I want a new rifle I will have to buy it for myself. He talks a good game.... But I will take you all out to eat if he actually buys me a new rifle. quickly the attaboys disappear.:D

Congrats on the scope Mrs. Bart...nice glass.
He better not find a screaming deal on something, that dinner bill could really add up! Congrats.
Hey, wait a cotton-pickin' second here....Randy didnt deliver my cooler by hand! I mean, what is about 1200 miles to a guy who has lots of spare time?

I just sent a nice email to Leupold telling them my twin 5 year old boys and 9 year old girl each got Leupold Yosemite binocs for Christmas and next up is a VX3 for a rifle I just bought. They also have a great program for firearm safety instructors. For these 4 purchases and in the future I have not and will not really even look at another brand. I have other Leupy products that work just perfect and I like supporting a company like them.
sounds like she's challenging lawnboy.Hey Bart,we could all use a free meal so get shopping.Little hint,take scope with you to mount on a rifle too big for her to handle.Got to outsmart them.Then you have a nice new rifle with awesome glass
Guess you can see why I'm divorced now,lol.Actually, pawning my binos was the last straw;bi#@@$
Congrats Elkwidow! I think that Randy is just building brownie points with you so he can get Lawnboy away from the honeydo's this bear season. :) Enjoy your scope!
You guys obviously don't know Lawnboy that well. He is so cheap his shoes squeak..... If I want a new rifle I will have to buy it for myself. He talks a good game.... But I will take you all out to eat if he actually buys me a new rifle.

Bart……buy that lady a rifle!
I can't wait to see how she gets my dinner here to Ass-crack-istan. ;)

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