Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars



New member
Nov 20, 2001
Sun City, AZ
AZHUNTER, what kind of truck do you drive?

I saw a white chevy on Bell Rd. this morning around 9:30 that had vanity plates that said AZHUNTR. Looked like the person that owned the truck was a firemen.

Fess up, was that you?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-05-2002 21:09: Message edited by: Westy... ]</font>
i drive two trucks one for fishing an one for hunting
the one i use for hunting is a ford 4x4 p/u the fishing truck is a blazer 4x4 witch i think my daughter is taking over be cause it allways gone
Yeah I was... 3 meters 2 cm long. I need to find that pic so it can be scanned....

I have fished from my truck many times with great sucess....

I drive it into a river climb on the bed and start fishing... One time a buddy of mine and I did that during duck season with my brand new toyota 4x4 kingcab... we wer sitting in the middle of the river where some trees were at.. the hunting and fishing was so good we forgot about the rain and the water rising... truck was only 3-5 months old and got drenched....

When I was at Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian (or is that native american)Ocean we caught a 7' hammer head on a whole chicken. Never seen so many happy fillipinos in my life.
I never thought of using the winch for that, I have one on one of my trucks that is 30K Lbs... I could take it to hoods canal since that's where the truck is and get some real woppers.....GREAT IDEA!!!!I have a large set of log tongues, I wonder if they would work as a hook, there are plenty of neighbor dogs in the area I could use for bait, or if we want more elnatural. I could just pop one of the bald eagles that frequent the area. That would probably be closer to what they eat any way..There are seals and sealions in the area also. That way I could get my hook out farther than I could naturally throw it..There is already some five hundred feet of cable so I could get it out there pretty far.... :D :D :D
i heard this about 30 years ago
an from more then one person
these guys went to rosy to fish they took hole chickens a truck with a wench a had a big hook an a row boat
they put 4 chikens on the hook they rowed out on the lake an droped the hook an chickens the cable that was atacth to the truck in to the lake

they were there for 2 days
on the second moring something was pulling the cable they pulled the lever on the wench to reel the cable in got about 1/3 of the cable rolled up an it stop the wench could not pull it in so they used the truck to pull the cable out of the water
well what ever was on the end of that cable started to pull back
the truck started to be pulled in to the lake 1 of the guys had to use a hatchet to cut the cable or lose the truck in the lake
OH!!!! I thought we were telling lies already up there.. does this mean I have to retract everything?

I suppose the next thing we hear is that there were actually two of them and they were locked together and then moved and a bass fell out :D :D :D