AZ Draw


Active member
Apr 8, 2019
Anybody know when the AZ big game draw opens up for Elk and Antelope? I keep checking every day, and I know the deadline is Feb 6th.
I'm not ever going to complain about Arizona, that State has treated me more than right fair.
I got a September elk tag two years in a row. I can't complain at least until I don't draw for a year.
So I’m lucky that my license doesn’t expire until 2/11/24 saving me $150. If I’m lucky enough to draw do you have to have a valid license the date of drawing too or do they give you the opportunity to buy your license after you draw?
Must be valid on date of drawing.
So I’m lucky that my license doesn’t expire until 2/11/24 saving me $150. If I’m lucky enough to draw do you have to have a valid license the date of drawing too or do they give you the opportunity to buy your license after you draw?
unfortunately, I apply twice a year so I get stuck with a license no matter what.
When looking at the draw odds on the AZGF site how do you know what point level they were drawn at? It just shows First,Second and draw %. What am I missing?