Thanks guys - we actually nicknamed this buck "Freak Nasty" because of his attitude and his weird horn that shoots out forward. Both horns actually score within 1/2" of each other too - something I could have cared less about at the time but just goes to show, some of those weird horned bucks can actually score decent.
AZ is certainly no "best kept secret" but for a lot of people, just like on the AZ strip deer units, most people will never be able to draw. Anymore, you gotta look at archery units or alternative seasons to get to hunt. Like I said, don't underestimate what you can pull out of an area with a bow. Sure, I'd love to hunt unit 10 for antelope in AZ but I'd much rather hunt archery 5 times instead of only one rifle hunt. I believe I only had 8 bonus points to draw this tag.