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Audit: SFW/BGF run a shady game

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI

Utah wildlife officials failed to safeguard taxpayer dollars while contracting with private anti-wolf organizations that work to sway federal policy, according to a legislative audit released Tuesday.

The influential hunting group Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife and its spinoff Big Game Forever (BGF) have been awarded $800,000 during the past four years to help strip the gray wolf of federal protections.

It remains unclear how BGF director Ryan Benson spent the $300,000 awarded last year, although nearly two-thirds went to his private business in the form of "consulting fees," according to the new audit.

Gives new meaning to "send lawyers, guns & money," and not in a good way.
And folks wondered why BGF/SFW are not willing to show anyone the books. "Here's your sign!" What a joke.

A big part missed in this article is the fact that all the heavy lifting on wolf de-listing was alaready complete by the time the welfare handouts were made to BGF/SFW. They got most of the payoff after the wolf delisting battles were fought in early 2011. Delisting efforts they fought against and proclaimed would spell doom for any chance at wolf delisting. Yet, they sure were happy to belly up to the Government trough and try take some credit, and lots of government welfare money, for delisting efforts they fought to stop.

Utah hunters should be marching on the DWR HQ demanding some explanations. Benson, Peay, and company have skinned Utah hunters once again, padding their own pockets and having nothing to show for the money they were paid.

Read again,
.... It remains unclear how BGF director Ryan Benson spent the $300,000 awarded last year, although nearly two-thirds went to his private business in the form of "consulting fees," according to the new audit.

That is $200,000 to Benson, just for last year. I have a suspicion that the same could be said for the entire $800,000 in welfare checks they got. But, since they mingle funds, and refuse to show any accountability for the funds, I guess the Utah hunters will never know.

I would have given anything for Peay to open his books prior to the big debate he challenged me to. He took wolf delisting off the topics of discussion, knowing the biggest asshat in the west was being sized just for him on that topic. I even agreed to a day-long tour with him and his pals. I agreed to do it at his location and even pay a huge fee for a qualified moderator.

My one request was that I get to see the books. Given the legislative audit report on just this little portion of their franchise, I guess we know why he didn't want a CPA looking at any financial information. The one request he just couldn't live with. None of this is a surprise to me.

And to think Peay and Co. have made reference to some parts of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation being socialism. Wonder what they call $800,000 of "gubment handouts?"

It seems one could make the case that BGF/SFW has been officially identified as "welfare cases" by the Utah Legislative Auditors. Wonder if they got any free cell phones as part of that deal?

Maybe they subscribe the common mantra of politicians - "It's only socialism when the other guy gets the money."

"Parasite" is the best term that comes to mind when I read the article. I hope the Utah hunter can shed themself from being a host to this parasitic pox.

Can't even imagine what the spin machine in Utah will come up with to try deflect this one.
Hey Randy, I think asshats like SFW/BFG are they direct reason as to why you had a hear attack last year even though you are in excellent health! You should sue them! ;)
Here is a link to the audit report.

And even with that, the UT Legislature is giving them another $300,000 for FY 2014. Read that and try not to laugh out loud. Bet you can't do it.

A copy of the contract (I would call it "gift instrument") is at this link below. And if you read that one and still are not laughing out loud, then one of two things 1) Your reading comprehension sucks, or 2) You are a Utah hunter whose license dollars were just absconded and rather than laugh out loud, you have decided to bang your head on the wall.

This stuff is beyond funny.

So, the contract states in Paragraph 5 - "Amount to be paid upon completion of contract." Usually the language in a contract governs the transaction. See below.


But when you have sway with agencies who know you are in a cash crunch, they defer to the RFP (Request For Proposal), rather than the final contract. Result is a letter directing someone to cut free those "gubment goodies" by stating RFP language "successful offeror to be paid the full contract amount upon award," even though in the final contract they stated otherwise and went so far as to underline it in the contract.

Really, I'm not making this up. Look for yourself.
BGF 2.jpg

But what the heck, we're talkin' "tainted" government money, so there's only one problem for the BGF/SFW crowd - "Taint enough of it."

I feel bad for the many good Utah folks who have been misled and deceived. Hopefully it will someday come to an end.
Big Fin I think you are misunderstanding the language. By
"Amount to be paid upon completion of contract."
what they actually mean is the execution of the contract or signing of the contract by both parties.:rolleyes:

Not a bad gig if you can get it.;)
How is it that this doesn't impact Utah's Pittman-Robertson funds they receive?
The "Scope of Work" is laughable.

Sign me up for that amount of work. Even if it took 40 hours, that is $7500/hour.

I wish my government projects had that amount of over-sight. Actually, I take that back - I couldn't honestly work that way.
I'm doing this consulting thing all wrong. I need to get me one of them fat welfare contracts that don't require anything out of me.

Once again, DKPeay and R Benson (esq.) show us the way to enlightenment.

I left Utah and SFW/BGF behind me many years ago. They are a cancer IMO and will contiune to grow. Very few in Utah people will look into this. There will be a little rumbling for a day or two and this to will pass. Its a lot like the Wolf delisting. They kept quite for a while then claimed victory on "their wolf delisting". Give them time and they will claim they kept the wolves out of Utah. The vast majority of people in Utah will claim they were saved from the big bad wolf by BGF and SFW.
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