I found these fresh droppings on my property. The snow has been melting so I couldn’t find a good set of tracks. Does it look like moose or elk? I’ll tell you which I think it is after a few people post.
So here’s some more information. This is on the property where we just built our new home. A creek runs though the property and neighbors say that moose follow the creek. I have seen moose tracks here. It looks like an ideal spot for elk too, but I’m told elk don’t come through here. I’m thinking it’s moose. Guess it’s time to put up a couple of trail cameras.
Late in the year the moose pellets are rough and woody because of the willows they feed on. Elk and deer pellets are smooth and waxy if fresh.In the spring on lush green grasses and swamp juice(moose) the piles or less distinct and can resemble piles from beef calves.