Anyone using Winchester 6.5 staBall powder?

Durango Mike

Well-known member
Jul 25, 2020
Durango, CO
Was in the gun store today and they had a shelf full of this powder, Vitavhouri 555, plenty of BLC2, H110, WW296 and CFE for both pistol and rifle. Nothing else and they had not seen H4350 or H4831sc in months. Ball meters really well and I thought about working up a load for the 270 and 6.5 PRC since the WW powder seemed to be in plentiful supply.
I have far only tried it in my 7mm08 with 140 etips. Got decent numbers and groups. I have some numbers for 6.5creedmoor on my magnetospeed but haven't looks at that yet to see how it compared to H4350.

Some guys that have used it more do notice a little bit of instability but it's mostly anecdotal.
Personally if you don't need it I'd wait for H4350 OR buy online Shooters World 4350. It's readily available at a lower price but a touch slower burn rate.
Thanks! Fortunately I have 4 lbs of H4350, given how tough it has been to find and seeing 12-15 lbs on the shelf I thought i might consider working up a few loads. Covid boredom at work as unless I get a new rifle all mine have best loads already in the can.
I haven't tried it as of yet.
Still building my 7mm-08AI range rifle.
I'm hearing from people using 7mm-08 that it's working well for them.
Time will tell.
I'm in the haven't tried it yet camp, but I remember reading it didn't thrill when looking for serious BR type accuracy. Still on my try list for deer hunting though. Right now I'm using a full tilt load of unicorn dust (RL26) in my .243 , so the force is with me this yr.
Caribou Gear

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