Anyone looking for a pilot?


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Mods- feel free to delete if not appropriate, but figured this could potentially be pertinent within the hunting community.

700 hour CFI here looking for my next gig. Any outfitters need a pilot for this season? Commercial ASEL/AMEL/ASES/Tailwheel, USCG 100 ton captain, veteran, etc... happy to provide a full resume if anyone is in the market. Bit of a long shot I know, but I also know there's a lot of turnover in the industry right now and flying hunters/ fishermen would be a lot more interesting than my current COA of buying a time builder and burning a 500 hour hole in the sky. Thanks in advance!
Not very glorious or high paying but they fly banner planes all summer in Ocean City, MD. My understanding is the pilots do it mainly to build hours. Who knows...I am not a pilot (nor should I be).
Not very glorious or high paying but they fly banner planes all summer in Ocean City, MD. My understanding is the pilots do it mainly to build hours. Who knows...I am not a pilot (nor should I be).

Yep! Banner towing is one way to get hours, being a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor) is another one and the way I went. I'm at the point now where I can fly for charter companies or privately, but just wanted to see if anyone has a guiding business or lodge that needs a float plane or tailwheel guy for the year
Saw a BLM job posting yesterday for an Air Tactical Specialist (fire). Boise or remote, moving expenses authorized. GS 11/12. Should be on USA Jobs.
This is one reason I kick myself that I didn’t follow my dad and get my pilots license young. I’d give about anything to be the copilot or even flight engineer on a firefighting tanker. Them guys have balls of steel and drop those big jets into cantons like they’re piloting a tri-pacer. It’s unreal. Full flaps, low and slow, in the mountains…. No big deal….. in a DC10!!!!
If you're looking for jobs in AK, you're most likely going to need quite a few more hours especially if you want to fly floats or tailwheel. However, given the state of the industry that may or may not hold true currently for 135 operators up here.
My recommendation is to learn what the air taxi companies are here in Alaska then give them a call and your sales pitch. Many of the guys at these operations are only staying long enough to get their next job or to get over to the airlines so there is always a lot of turnover.
Keep in mind though, that what many consider VFR flying conditions here in AK would definitely be closer to to IMC. Personally, I never fly with anyone up here unless they have several seasons under their belt already. Take everything with a grain of salt, I don't know much more than the next guy as I'm only a long haul freight dog.
This is one reason I kick myself that I didn’t follow my dad and get my pilots license young. I’d give about anything to be the copilot or even flight engineer on a firefighting tanker. Them guys have balls of steel and drop those big jets into cantons like they’re piloting a tri-pacer. It’s unreal. Full flaps, low and slow, in the mountains…. No big deal….. in a DC10!!!!
Fire aviation nerd here. I’ll find a pic for the Sunday thread.
My brother flew that exact plane before they converted it to a tanker. Don't think anyone still flies them for passengers anymore. He knows the crew that flew the fire tanker when it first got converted. It hauls a lot of fire suppression stuff. Can't remember exactly but one load out of that thing it many loads out of anything else.
My brother flew that exact plane before they converted it to a tanker. Don't think anyone still flies them for passengers anymore. He knows the crew that flew the fire tanker when it first got converted. It hauls a lot of fire suppression stuff. Can't remember exactly but one load out of that thing it many loads out of anything else.
10 Tanker has 3-4 DC-10s in service now. They carry a payload of 9,400 gallons, compared to a typical LAT such as a BAe 146 that carries 3,000 gallons.
@oxn939 you still instructing or not? How many hours a year are you getting instructing? You want to go to the airlines?
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