Anyone identify this UK deer?

I watched a show one time where they were hunting those little critters. Can't for the life of me remember who and what it was though.

What are hunting regs like in the UK? I thought it was pretty to hard to even own a gun there.
Great Muntjac, working on the details of trying to plan a trip next year to chase them and CWD. Both have always been of interest to me.

Neat stuff!
Correct its a muntjac (munty), sadly although the guy who i went hunting with offered me the venison i declined as he mentioned he hadn't tasted one for a while.
So i have now shot Red, Fallow, Roe and Muntjac, just Chinese Water Deer and Sika to go!

In answer to the question hunting regs, where do i start, well no tag system as ALL hunting is on private land, so we have to talk to a farmer or in some case deer management groups and syndicates are formed.

Owning a firearm, i think we have the toughest regulations in the world, no handguns (except in the criminals hands that is!), but we can get a 2 shot handgun for humane dispatch, owning a rifle, you have to jump through some hoops to get one, they even check with you doctor these days, and break any law and you stand to lose your license.


Nice looking animal, congrats! Out of curiosity, is picking up shed antlers a big deal over there like it is in the states? I would think the sheds from red deer would be highly sought after?
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