Anti-Hunting Legislation Withdrawn in US House


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2014
Great news for the local African populace, wildlife, hunters, businesses, and tourism employees in both Africa and USA. Hunting is truly conservation as the money expended here and overseas is exponential. Wildlife is protected and locals directly benefit economically.

Email received from DSC attached below.

Section 436 of the House Interior Appropriations Legislation PULLED from Consideration in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for FY22

Section 436--a provision in the House-passed version of the Interior Appropriations bill--has been pulled from consideration in the Omnibus legislation being considered today. This is a significant victory for the hunting and conservation community and is a testament to the benefits of legal, regulated hunting in Africa.

The provision would have denied funds to be used for issuing permits for the import of a sport-hunted trophy of an elephant or lion taken in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, or Zambia.

Corey Mason, DSC’s CEO stated, “These three African countries have some of the most successful wildlife, habitat and communal/rural programs in Africa and the world. The legislative language that was offered as an amendment during consideration of the Interior Appropriations legislation in the House of Representatives disregards these counties' immense successes in managing their natural resources. DSC is very pleased that it has been pulled from consideration.”

Because of DSC’s efforts in conjunction with others working to remove this language, Congress listened to the representatives of millions of rural Africans in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. Their urgent request asked Congress to uphold their basic human rights as they face the misguided U.S. campaigns led by animal protectionist organizations. The now scrapped language would have resulted in the undermining of the rights and livelihoods of millions of Africans and destruction of their successful conservation programs.