Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Antelope Hunters - How Blessed Am I?

Amen! Sounds like ND is pretty stingy with their antelope tags?
Numbers are down significantly this year in ND. We have had two back to back hard winters. I think it’s a good thing to try recover the numbers. Unfortunate for those who were hopeful to draw this year..
I agree on you the quality of both the meat and hunt. Just curious on how you utilize the majority of the meat in self-processing? After I get the common steaks cut and a bunch diced up for stew meat/etc I’m never sure how to use what is left (grind). Maybe it’s just me but antelope grind never seems to be compete with other animals.
Since we usually have 2-3 antelope per year, I make it pretty easy. I take the backstraps and tenders out. Then I take say 10 pounds of neck, and whatever bits for stew meat and chili. I also take the shanks and render down for Birria (ramen or tacos). The entire rest of the meat gets combined with cubed up pork butts or bacon. I use 60% antelope / 40% pork for this. This mixture gets ground 1 time for and mixed with hi mountain traditional breakfast sausage. I try to get about 30 pounds of breakfast sausage. If we have year with a 4th tag or running low, I take that same ground mix, add a bunch of garlic, onion, bread crumbs and milk to make meatballs. Typically will use deer for meatballs though. I just prefer the antelope for breakfast sausage so I usually just make as much of that as I can. That's just the way my family prefers to eat it.
I drew an antelope tag in Oregon 40 some years ago. Didn’t start applying in other states until a few years ago and built some points. Drew a tag near Casper this year. I will continue to hunt antelope for as often as I can get a tag. Saw 30 or 40 bucks from the truck but not interested in a road hunt. Spotted a keeper way off the road. 3 1/2 hours and five miles later popped him at a bit over 300.
That was great fun trying to get with in 400 with the 257 Roberts.
Been home a week, eaten antelope three nights for dinner. Eats better than mule deer in my book. Not better than elk moose or sheep. But still plenty good. 15 year old grand daughter went through a pound of round steak after volley ball practice a couple nights ago. Said she’ll come visit next time we’re eating antelope.
I’m pretty much hooked


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