Took drive up for a machinegun shoot and thought I'd share some pics of conditions and terrain for 47 and 32 in Wyoming. Nice and green, water holes are full right now.
This is area 32 , or Bate's Hole and a nice buck we saw.
Here is area 47 and some smaller bucks. There were some nicer bucks bedded by the road on the way up but they were too far out for good pics on way back.
Good to see wytex! Just spent the long weekend on Glendo, lots of healthy animals on that entire stretch, I think it's going to be a good season in Wyoming! I have a few more walleye's to catch and a few more hard tumbles on the water skis/wakeboard, but getting excited for June 21 and then fall.
Fawns are starting to drop right now. We should get some nice pics next weekend. They're pretty scattered and dropping now but more should be hitting the ground in the next week or two. No twins spotted yet but we'll see.
I haven't, heard good things about Wheatland #3 though. Had a friend go there last weekend and landed and released more large fish than they caught smaller ones. Planning on heading to Wheatland #3 in the next week or so.
We headed over to Saratoga for a branding last weekend and there was a marked difference in conditions along the way. 37,38,44,45,43,46,47 and 48 look great. We've had decent moisture around this part of the state.
We plan to hunt 52 and it's pretty dry. Farther west, it gets much drier. Ranchers told us the Snake River is very low and dry conditions stretch over to Rawlins and south of Rawlins. They have had some rain since the branding in the Saratoga valley.
Antelope look good in the areas I mentioned above. We have good prongs and mass this year around Laramie region.
I did a 4 day loop through Wyoming over Memorial Day weekend to scope out lope conditions and decide where to apply. Bucks are looking great. Fawns are dropping and we saw several with twins. North of I80 is more green than south, pretty arid south of the interstate.