ALC Daily Humor.

Oh so now transferred lands would be a special type of state land, excuse me if I'm a bit of a skeptic to that idea.
"These lands would be in a new classification of lands currently not allowed by state law, but don't worry, we totally know what we're doing."

Yet they have failed to improve management of state lands in any state they seek to steal public land from the public.

They need to fire their PR person. Lying is one thing, but shamelessly being terrible at lying and doing it anyway is another.
Is there any doubt a strong connection exists between ALC leader Jennifer Fielder and her pal/mentor, Art "I think I'll threaten to sue a voter today" Wittich?

The "make it up as you go" methodology of this movement does not surprise me. One of their puppets in the MT Legislature tried to convince me that only Federal lands were subject to the ESA. I laughed out loud, right in front of him, to the point that he looked around with the, "What did I say that was so funny?" look on his face.

I love it when they try to engage in discussion. It's like reeling out all the rope they need to result in their own demise.
Caribou Gear

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