After the boil

Thanks. By the way we scored him, any guesses?
Pretty accurate on B&C scores , usually within a couple of eighths. Everyone wants a 350 bull but would you pass on this one?
Thanks. By the way we scored him, any guesses?
Pretty accurate on B&C scores , usually within a couple of eighths. Everyone wants a 350 bull but would you pass on this one?

General season in Idaho, no way I pass. A tag I've waited years for, yeah I'd probably pass unless I was running out of time. 290-310?
My guess is about 300. As someone already mentioned it might be hard to pass up depending where you're hunting. If that's the first bull you see after week of hunting it might look like a monster.
292 2/8. He had a lot of potential, you can tell from the pedicles he was a young bull.
very nice work and thank you for the information to try it my self .
Amazing! I'm going to have to show this thread to some friends. That coloring looks perfect in the picture!
Liquid pine tar, bark and dirt. We opted for the natural route since he was such a neat bull. Takes a while but ends up looking like a naturally rubbed rack.
Do you have a favorite brand of pine tar that you like, or one that works the best.

I found my first dead head over the weekend, and when I showed my wife yesterday the first thing she asked was if you could recolor the antlers. I wasn't sure if it could be done and have a natural or realistic look to it, but you obviously proved it on that. I have a few sheds that are in similar condition I would like to try first, before I committed to a larger project.
Just liquid pine tar, very sparingly or a nice sappy branch .
The pine tar gives a kind of yellowish looking color at first but when you rub and branch or loose bark and dirt over it the right color will take over.
You can just rub a sappy branch with loose bark too on smaller antlers, just like the animals naturally do.
Thought I would show some pics of a mule deer antler I "stained naturally ".
Looks like it was about 2 years old when we found it, maybe just over a year can't remember what time of the year it was found.
I bought a new can of pine tar at Murdoch's. I should have warmed it a bit , it was thick today.

Start by spreading a thin layer all over the antler, tooth brush works well.

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Here is half the antler rubbed down.
We brought some oak and pecan wood home from Texas so I used that bark for coloring this time. I am going for timber buck type color on the antlers.

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Rubbed it down all over. There is a layer of powdered bark between the bark layers that works great for getting down in the cracks.
It will now sit overnight to let the material set in the pine tar.
I'll rub it down and even out the dark areas tomorrow. Not quite what I'm looking for just yet but it's close.
Missed a spot on one tip but I'll take care of that tomorrow.

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Kenetrek Boots

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