Afognak Hunt


Sep 22, 2005
Kodiak, AK
Well three of us ran over to Afognak this weekend for a short hunt. I was hunting mainly elk but the other 2 guys needed deer. Saturday we spotted a buck from the boat and I went with one of the guys while the other one kept the boat off the rocks. We clawed our way up about a 30 foot rock wall then hiked another 300 yards to get in range. My friend was shooting off hand at 100 yards and missed the first 2 shots. He connected on the 3rd but I could tell it wasn't a good shot so I put it down with one to the neck. Its a dang nice buck and wasn't even the one we had originally seen from the boat.
We saw a couple more small bucks on Saturday, but nothing worth hiking for so we moored up and spent the night.
Sunday morning they were calling for 20-25 knot winds so we figured we better head back a little earlier than we had planned. We glassed from the boat in the morning and saw a few smaller bucks. Then I spotted a group of about 8-9 bucks up in a bowl at about 1400 feet, with one real monster on a hot doe. Unfortunatly the guys I was with didn't want to go that far for a deer. I thought about going myself but had already said I was along to help them get there's and that I was focusing on elk. Anyway we didn't see any elk or bucks, worth shooting, near the beach so we took our time and started heading back towards Kodiak. We had brought the dogs and shotguns along so we stopped for a little while and shot a few harlequins.
I wish I'd have seen an elk to go after, but all in all it was a fun weekend.


Great buck and birds. Congrats to you and your buddies. So are we meeting in Kodiak on Friday? Have you talked to Moosie?

How is the wind your way? What do you think the weather will be like on Friday? I'm kind of worried about the weather and flying out. We arrive in anchorage at 2:41 and fly out 37 minutes later to Kodiak. Hopefully we are not delayed at all or we may miss that one.
delayed by weather getting to Kodiak this time of year ......

never happens ..... hump

better have a plan 'B' .....
Congrats to your pard! Don't know if I will, but I'd love to go back, if just for the ptarmigan and ducks! Good stuff.
There is nothing you can do about the weather so there's no use wasting time worring about it. They are calling for highs in the 30s and lows in the low 20s and snow for Thurs night and Friday. They don't give predicted winds until a day or two before. I wouldn't put too much stock in the extended weather reports here anyway though.
If you miss the AK Airlines flight there are 2 more ERA flights that they may be able to get you on. One gets here around 8 and the other one around 10:15. Give me a call when you get to Anchorage if you can and let me know. I can run out and pick you up, that will save you about $20 for a cab. My number is (907) 486-0439.

TB, great looking buck and birds!

IB, I gotta agree with TB on extended weather forcasts. It seemed like 24 hours was pushing it when we were there. Another thing, the weather where you're getting dropped might be a lot different than Kodiak.
Are you supposed to fly out on Saturday for Olga Bay? If you have a weather delay I can take you back in and put you on a buck if you're bowhunter certified. Otherwise we can go try and shoot some ducks. Depends on what's going on, I may go bear hunting with a friend. We'll meet up Friday and discuss the options.


Thanks for the pick-up offer. I'll talk with moose nuts and see what the plan is. Your right about the weather chit. What happens, happens I'm pretty sure I'll still be going no matter what. :D

If your around that sounds great about the duck and deer hunt if we get stranded.

I was looking through the Alaska regs and it looked like I didn't have to have a Bowhunter Cert. for the general hunt.

excert from Alaska Reg
"# Archery equipment can be used during any general open season. Special bowhunter certification is not required for these hunts.
# Bowhunter certification is required for any big game hunt restricted to “bow and arrow only” or “certified bowhunters only.”

Is the place you are talking about bow and arrow only.

In the state of Idaho you only have to have proof that you archery hunted before the rule came out about the class. I've been archery hunting Idaho for 20 years and never had to take the class. I will call Fish and Game to see what I can do.

Thanks bud for the offer. We'll call when we get to Anchorage.

You don't have to answer my question about the archery permit. I read a little deeper in the rags and see where anywhere east of the mouth of Saltery Cr. and Elbow creek is one buck only, open from Nov. 1-14 and is archery or muzzleloader only. I'll call my fish and game and see what I can do about the card.
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