Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Access question national forest


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2019
In this case in Montana, but I suspect it applies to any state. The question relates to actual forestry roads that are numbered and labeled on maps.

We were driving on one of the forestry roads and had plans to take a road that branches of it. When we got to it had a gate. Not a forestry steel gate with a lock, but one that I see used by ranchers, just wired with a small vertical log. The public land is being used for cattle, so there is quite a bit of fencing on public. This is also one of those public areas that have private scattered throughout.

My question is if the rule is that motorized vehicles are to remain on designated roads, can I take my truck through these gates?

While I'm at it, similar, or probably the same question. One of the pieces of private was fenced off but it's fencing ran for what it looked like several thousand feet past its boundaries. No problem passing through the fenced sections that are on public correct? I always worry about trespassing. Thx Pete
In most cases, the final arbiter is the MVUM - Motor Vehicle Use Map - for that Forest. You can get them online or at the local USFS district office. If you were on the Beaverhead Deerlodge, there's a good chance they have no Travel Management, and it's a damn mess.

To the latter question, on foot, you can cross all the fences you need if you are on public. Our public lands are fenced all to hell in a lot of places, just delineating different grazing allotments - both current and historic.
In most cases, the final arbiter is the MVUM - Motor Vehicle Use Map - for that Forest. You can get them online or at the local USFS district office. If you were on the Beaverhead Deerlodge, there's a good chance they have no Travel Management, and it's a damn mess.

To the latter question, on foot, you can cross all the fences you need if you are on public. Our public lands are fenced all to hell in a lot of places, just delineating different grazing allotments - both current and historic.
Thank you so much. I will check those maps out.

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