
A wyoming legend is gone

It's amazing to have such detailed documentation of a wild animals life, especially one known to cover as many miles as she did.
We need more collared deer after seeing what she contributed.

I have a wild whitetail doe on my ranch that has never left. She is 14 years old and has had triplets three of the last six years. I suspect by her size May 30 she had triplets again. She may be free roaming/wild, but comes when I call her and she eats from my hand, she is a lot of fun!
That was a good read, must have missed it last week.
Amazing how precise she was in her migration pattern, granted it would show a little wobble if it was actually closer to her path instead of 10,000ft up.
She could potentially have been the matriarch of 200 descendants in the Red Desert herd over her long life (assuming 50% fawn survival rate and 50/50 sex ratio). Doe 255 would have shared migration and survival knowledge with the herd as she aged, and collar data with researchers. If you value mule deer, you are in her debt. Her race is run.
Doe 255 would have shared migration and survival knowledge with the herd as she aged, and collar data with researchers. If you value mule deer, you are in her debt. Her race is run.
One of the main reasons I believe doe Mule deer hunting is very detrimental to the population, especially in a really long migration herd.
Very cool

Interesting that she may have started life and definitely spent a couple summers in Idaho but then really settled into life in Wyoming. I know other jackson hole deer winter in Idaho and also that Idaho deer from the summer range she occupied here winter in Idaho.
We need more collared deer after seeing what she contributed.

I have a wild whitetail doe on my ranch that has never left. She is 14 years old and has had triplets three of the last six years. I suspect by her size May 30 she had triplets again. She may be free roaming/wild, but comes when I call her and she eats from my hand, she is a lot of fun!
Pretty special experience and trust
Wonder what itd take to get FWP to do this?
Do what? Put collars on animals? I don't know about Montana but Utah and Arizona have been putting collars on. I would guess most states are but it would depend on what they are trying to study.
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