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A unique Arizona desert bighorn sheep hunt ...


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2001
Gilbert, Arizona
It's a very special event when an Arizona desert bighorn sheep tag is donated to the Arizona Elk Society's Hunts for Heroes program!

Take a few minutes to share the moment: https://www.facebook.com/HeroesRisi...z0Tn4R49PiNYNAh1jMIEU1zDsG8yj7cqoMlLQ&fref=nf

And a reminder >>> the deadline for applying for Arizona bighorn sheep, and deer, is approaching (Tuesday, June 12)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjX6AXRM_vs

Another thought: It's smart to pay an extra $5 per specie to protect your bonus points through Ariz. G&F's Point Guard (you never know when life might throw you a curve and disrupt a hunt you get drawn for). Then, if things go sideways, rather than turning your tag back in to G&F, you can donate it to the Hunts for Heroes program (non-profit 501-3c) and allow a disabled veteran the chance to go hunting. We face-to-face deliver the Tag Transfer and Point Guard forms to the Arizona G&F office to insure you retain whatever bonus points you've accumulated. It's a Win - Win!!!
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Outstanding, remarkable.

I would have not passed on the smaller ram. AG&F had seen only 1 ram. The sergeant was much wiser than I.
Congrats on a fantastic hunt. What was the score on the "big fella". "Well Done" to all involved. GJ
While all the Hunts for Heroes outings throughout the year rest on the shoulders of our many dedicated volunteers, this hunt elevated that fact. Due to time restraints, we were forced to break down our main camp the day before Joe slipped his tag on his ram (which scored right at 168"). I was bummed I missed out on THE day, but elated with everyone else when it all finally came together!

Best wishes to all of you who have been applying for bighorn sheep here in Arizona --- getting drawn will be worth the wait, believe me!!!
Kenetrek Boots

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