Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

A really well written LTE in Montana papers!

Tester is heads and shoulders above Rehberg on sportsmens issues and others as well IMO but we have to change his mind on the BLM lands transfer on the Fort Belknap Indian reservation the Grinnel notch has to stay BLM lands... So after the election we have to go to work on him, He is a reasonable man and I think will see the conflict..
The Tester vs. Rehberg race could very well determine which party controls the US senate... Pretty strange place to be in for some Montanans. Basically, you could be counterintuitive with your votes while supporting your beliefs.... strange.
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Yeah, SWMontana1 is precisely correct. Which is more important--that Jon Tester wins back his Senate seat, or that Republicans take over the Senate and eliminate that world-class dickhead Harry Reid from the position of Senate majority leader? No budget in more than three years... I am not a big fan of Rehberg, but Tester is the classic liberal in spite of his goofy flat tap haircut. It still irritates me the way the Montana Democrats "got out the vote" in 2006, recruiting brainless college students who knew nothing about any of the issues. Tester managed to defeat Conrad Burns by about 3,500 votes. Hunting is important, but if this crushing debit continues to increase, we won't have to worry about hunting or public lands being sold off or a dozen other diversions. We'll have far more massive problems.
And Conrad "Pork Barrel" Burns didn't have anything to do with the massive deficit?
Yeah, SWMontana1 is precisely correct. Which is more important--that Jon Tester wins back his Senate seat, or that Republicans take over the Senate and eliminate that world-class dickhead Harry Reid from the position of Senate majority leader? No budget in more than three years... I am not a big fan of Rehberg, but Tester is the classic liberal in spite of his goofy flat tap haircut. It still irritates me the way the Montana Democrats "got out the vote" in 2006, recruiting brainless college students who knew nothing about any of the issues. Tester managed to defeat Conrad Burns by about 3,500 votes. Hunting is important, but if this crushing debit continues to increase, we won't have to worry about hunting or public lands being sold off or a dozen other diversions. We'll have far more massive problems.

Horse feathers.

Tester has done more for Montana in 6 years than Rehberg has done in 12.

The republicans won't take the senate and they're projected to lose seats in the House. Even if the R's managed tossing into a majority, they still won't have 60 votes so the entire concept of taking the senate is nonsense.

Are you saying that college kids shouldn't vote? What about the military? Same kids, different outfit.
Ben, I am not suggesting that college students should not vote. But no one "recruits" military personnel like the Democrats do, collaring college students who don't know what the hell is going on, and convincing them to vote for Democrats.

You may be correct about the Republicans taking the Senate as "nonsense." We will see...
Tester is indeed far from being a typical liberal, but he is in bad company.

I don't think anyone knows how this election is going to turn out, but Scott Rasmussen had the last two presidental elections predicted closer than anyone. At present, he put Romney in the lead, I believe, by two points. It will be a nail-biter.
Silver called 48 out of 50 states last election. We'll see if he's got this one nailed. Most polling I've seen keeps the Senate with a D majority, and given the performance of the rape candidates in the east, there might be a pick up of 2 seats.
Sorry guys, but I thought the OP was talking about our fearless (?) leader. Didn't think this was going to turn into political discussions.. Just saying......
I wish I could vote for Tester. Public lands and hunting to me is my issue, it is my abortion, my gay marriage, my Obamacare. The comedy of it all is that while those issue are significant, public lands issues probably effect the most out of any of them.
If you vote Rehberg, hunting isn't your passion.

Remember the fact that old Denny tried to kill the wolf rider?

How about his ties to SFW?

How about his bill to add 100 mile swath across Montana into Homeland Security jurisdiction? Even though they didn't want it.

How about the fact that he tried to post state school trust lands?

There's way more to consider. If you voting because you think his national debt voting looks good to you, your uninformed.
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All I know for sure is that I can't wait for November 7th;) I get so sick of the non stop ads on TV and my mailbox stuffed to the gills every day with campaign ads....

Rehberg is a tool.........
Amen. The junk mail and automated calls will stop for a bit, no more dopey commercials and most importantly, threads can focus on fun stuff like hunting, beer, etc. :D

I volunteered the last few nights for a campaign. We put together a 4500 piece mailer, and I made about 100 calls. It's not much fun being on the other side of the phone, I can tell you.

Certainly ready for the silly season to be over and people can get back to being normal, or at least what passes for normal in MT. we all have to hate Ben, cause he's one of "them" that call and mail us... Just kidding. That is actually very cool of you to volunteer.

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