Caribou Gear

A mixed bag at the capitol

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
SB 144 dies
SB 301 dies
SB 255 moves forward
SB 212 moves forward
SB 400 moves forward
SB 90 dies.

More out there and the crap is flying fast and furious. These are the days where the sideways looks get longer, and hushed conversations get quieter. Deals are cut last minute, and for the most part, we lose.

Still 2 good solid victories today. Committees are slowing down now, as they get ready for the final transmittal days. Hopefully a lot of bills will languish and stay in committee, or get voted down.

It never ends. It's like a Huey Lewis album.
SB 144 dies
SB 301 dies
SB 255 moves forward
SB 212 moves forward
SB 400 moves forward
SB 90 dies.

More out there and the crap is flying fast and furious. These are the days where the sideways looks get longer, and hushed conversations get quieter. Deals are cut last minute, and for the most part, we lose.

Still 2 good solid victories today. Committees are slowing down now, as they get ready for the final transmittal days. Hopefully a lot of bills will languish and stay in committee, or get voted down.

It never ends. It's like a Huey Lewis album.

SB 2555 is John Brendens..... hell, it's John Brenden's, is there any other reason needed for it to die? SB 400 is a pathetic attempt to get more welfare for the outfitting industry.

I say if they want a slug of wilderness permits, resurrect the spear hunting bill, give spear hunting permits to their dudes, and make it a real wilderness experience. They can walk into the Bob barefoot, drink creek water and get the shits, subsist on roots, and sleep under a bunch of grass and fir branches. Wonder what kinda tip that would get the guide?
The outfitting community is exacting revenge for I-161.

A. who cares, the passage of 161 really did nothing good or bad for public hunters. It did take away some welfare from the outfitting community

B. I listened to a well known Bozeman outfitter tell crowds that the passage of I-161 wouldn't hurt his business, in fact it may help it.

C. The outfitting industry already has ruined tons of public hunting opportunity in MT. People like me, who hunt allover MT and are just a tiny bit resourceful, seem to find ways to pursue our passion(s) in spite of the industrialization, commercialization, and attempted privatization of our resources.

D. And D, we never stop fighting the advance of the the evils mentioned in C, never.
SB 400 is a really bad bill. We can't take anymore pressure in the Wilderness areas. The game can't take it. Talk about going against your constituents.
Sent emails on 212 and 400 but could someone explain the ramifications of SB 255? I'd like to understand it better before writing the committee and my legislators.

Keep pointing us in the right direction Ben, I know there are others that read this and express their opinions to the legislature but don't post on here.
"]My interpretation of SB 255, is it forces the MTFW&P's commission to take into account social, and economic concerns, on anything they do. In order for that to happen, a new bureaucracy will have to be added in the dept. They will have to hire experts in those two field, to tell the Dept. what effect if any, a decision to act will do to those two concerns. It has a fiscal note of over 3/4 of a million a year. This is a joke of a bill. We should be using biology in making decision on our wildlife. This is what's wrong with EMP. It took social, and economic considerations when they picked our elk objectives. I find it funny that when Brendan was interviewed in the paper on why he was attacking the Dept. He said: [/SIZE][/SIZE]I find it hypocritical that the sponsor of the Bill, Senator John Brenden, made some statement in yesterdays Missoulian, that this was the reason he was after the dept. He said:
"The commission is making rules for political and social activities rather than biological, that's wrong," said Brenden, who sponsored the bill capping the department's land acquisition.

He also is the sponsor of this crap legislation.
HB 255. Another stellar example of another stellar legislator putting personal agendas, vendettas, and idiology (or is it IDIOTOLOGY)before truly serving the public good.
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If 255 passes the and the FWP wants to add or cut the number of permits in any hunting district they will in essence have to do a economic impact analysis for that area, if it reduces the economy of an area regardless of what the biology tells us it might not happen,