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6 days and no bulls yet


Senior Thread Mover
Nov 28, 2001
Chandler, Az
Talk about the beginnings of a lousy hunt!

I loaded my truck and hooked up my buddy's toy hauler and set out for Clarkia Idaho! Well... we made it to just about 1/2 way between Flagstaff and Page when My 2003 Powerstroke coffed up the #5 fuel injector. I called Ford Roadside Assistance since it was still under warranty, and they sent a tow truck out to tow my Ford back to Flagstaff. Lucky for me, the Tribal police showed up and told us that we had to get the truck towed off the road and he called an outfit out of Tuba City, while I was waiting for the first tow truck. This guy towed my truck and buddy's trailer 1 mile to get the rig off the highway to the tune of $200! One mile for $200!!! Naturally, he forgot to bring his receipt book, but he promised to mail a receipt to my home address. I'm not holding my breath.

This sounds kinda a bad, but it's not the worst part! My buddy is a Chevy guy and was having a field day chewing on me about the Ford! He has a brand new Duramax, but he didn't have enough break in time on it to tow the toy hauler. I've been riding him for over ten years over my old Ford pickup towing his broke down Chevrolet. I guess it's his turn in spades!

Anyway we hooked up a small atv trailer to the back of his duramax and we made it to Clarkia Saturday morning in time for opening day!

So far all I've seen was one beautiful Cow(man, I was praying for that thing to grow horns) and a huge Buck! I didn't count the points, but he had a good spread. A couple does and some toe heads. One very lucky Coyote and that was about it so far. Tomorrow is the beginning of either sex, so if I see a cow before a bull, I'm busting it. I can't wait to come back for deer. There are some huge bucks out here!

Well, that's the story for now. I'll fill you in when we're done. We just stopped in Potlatch to visit the ladies and check on the Ford. We'll be hitting it pretty hard till the 20th!

Talk to ya'all then and good luck to all!
LMAO JOhn, those tribal police had no legal right to do what they did. They do it all the time. The highway is owned via the state of AZ and as long as your on the highway/shoulder(up to the fence) they cant do jack shit.

Its been a scam going on for over 20 years now.
I know a guy that they did this to and then they charged him a $50 storage fee while waiting for the other towtruck (which was around 5 hours)

good luck on the rest of your hunt. keep us osted when you can.

Just my luck, eh Del? LOL!

Don't forget to leave the 22nd open. I'll be chasin the Wapiti ladies. I'm sure the folks here would love to see me miss a cow with my muzzle loader on video!

I wish I had brought up my deer tag. The bucks seem to be in an early rut this year! Oh well, there should be a buck or two left next month!

Talk atcha soon!
Keep us posted.
Two more days of no elk. Now it's raining like a mother! Man, I've got my excersize hiking the hills, walking game trails, and walking the ridges. Man, if I wasn't an ethical hunter, I'd have an early cow and plenty of deer. Oh, well. I'm sure that lucky momma will raise a few more for next time.

I'm not done yet, but my West Virgina hillbilly buddy drove and he doesn't seem real happy right now. His problem, not mine. If he wants to leave, I guess we'll have to go, but I'll fly back up and chase these wily wapitis some more!

Hang in there brothers and keep your powder dry. Stay warm and put a hurtin on these critters!
Yep! Just what I thought. He's wussing out! I guess I'll be flying out her in a few days!

Go gettem boys!!!!
Funny thing about him leaving. I was going with him...I thought! He took off early in the morning without me! With friends like him....

Well my F.I.L. and I came down from the hills and started hunting a little north of his home in Potlatch. We found sign everywhere! His buddy shot a nice 6x6 and the next day I shot at a pretty good size bull. Problem was it was dusk and I could've sworn that I nailed him. It was raining so I couldn't find any blood sign. My shot was less than 30 yards at an upwards angle. I was waiting for him to come out from some high grass and he finally pulled his head and shoulders out when I shot. He jumped up and made a quick 180 up the hill. Maybe my scope was a little off since it got banged up pretty good in the quad gun rack. Yes I was a fat-ass atv'er but we stayed on logging roads the whole time. I spent the next morning looking all over for that bull with two other people, but couldn't find him. I hope that missed him, I feel terrible about not finding him. I'm definitely jumping up to the .300 mag class or higher. That .270 would be fine with perfect shot placement, but I'm thinking that I need more knock down power.

Oh yeah, that so-called buddy of mine called to brag about poaching a bull in Utah on his way home. He took the horns and took what he wanted of the meat and left the rest where he shot it! What an @sshole! Some day he'll be caught and pay the price. I'm a firm believer in "what goes around, comes around".

That's the story of my Panhandle hunt for this year. I had a great time! I had a few hiccups here and there, but for the most part, I had fun and learned alot! I even saw both sexes of elk and saw loads of deer. I'll take what I've leared and apply it towards my next hunt. I've also learned who and who not to hunt with. Tonight I'm flying home to Arizona and starting a Muzz Cow hunt on the 22nd. That hunt should be a lot of fun. No atv's, nice and quiet and all to myself with a frame pack/bivy tent and just me and the woods.

Good luck everyone and bag a biggun!

PS. I took some great pics of my F.I.L's buddy's bull. I have to get home to download them and then I'll email them to either Delw or Oscar to post. Someday I'll learn how to post these durn pics! LOL
Sorry you missed your elk, but look on the bright side. You had a good time and learned a lot. Looking forward to the pictures when you get them up.

Better for you that the other guy took off. You don't need that chit for sure.
Thanks Bill. I should've known better. I've known this guy for 20 years. He's had a few things happen in his life recently and needed a shoulder to lean on. He went on and on about changing his ways. I have yet to see a leapord(sp)? change it's spots! Yes, I've learned alot and had a great time. The truck is fixed and still get to chase these elk back home. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff... or anything else for that matter. Life is great, just some days are greater than others!!! :D
Damn John some people get all the luck.
That blows my mind that your buddy just ups and leaves with out you.
pay backs are a bitch next time you see him take him out fishing to pleasant have him get to an island and get off the boat for some reason, then just leave and drive home LOL.

As far as him poaching that ELK, Turn that SOB in Utah would love to hang someone for that.

I know your hunting tomorrow in AZ, good luck tomorrow, I will try to see ya sunday if you havent tagged out. If you nail something in the mean time call me and I will give ya a hand.

I'm going to be up around clarkia just a little south of there in couple weeks for whitetail, did you see any good whitetails up there?

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