Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

28 nosler 195 berger


New member
Feb 26, 2018
Sunday morning i killed a 200lbs axis deer buck probably a 3 year old any way i used my custom 28 nosler its a new rifle just got it and its built to shoot the 195 berger the shot was 210 yards broad side i hit him with the first shot perfect heart lung he just stood there i fired again hit him same place about 4 inchs more back he took couple steps and still just stood there after a minute he ran over the hill and i lost sight so i went over to look for him found him dead there was very small entrance holes i could barly see them and no exit i found both bullets in opsite side skin and i have both theres really nothing left they barly weigh 50 grains i was very disappointed that i had no exit and no bullet shock he just stood there in pain i think its not a good weigh to kill a animal kinda slow death i like to shock them i would have thought that 195 bullet going 3050 fps and at only 210 yds would have a complete pass threw and would have more shock i will nvr use bergers again going back to eld x or accubond just was curious if any one esle had results like this i dont no how people are killn elk with these when they dont even penetrate 200lbs axis deer
I hunt axis deer and I don't know what it is about some of those bucks but they can be really hard to bring down. I hear all kinds of stories. I know hunters that swear by a .243. I also know hunters that will only use a 300 Win Mag shooting 180 gr bullets.

I use a 7mm-08 with 140 gr Sierras. Most of the time I will find the deer withing 50yds, however I have tracked them as far as 100 yds. Even with the 30-06 they usually run about 20yds.
Sunday morning i killed a 200lbs axis deer buck probably a 3 year old any way i used my custom 28 nosler its a new rifle just got it and its built to shoot the 195 berger the shot was 210 yards broad side i hit him with the first shot perfect heart lung he just stood there i fired again hit him same place about 4 inchs more back he took couple steps and still just stood there after a minute he ran over the hill and i lost sight so i went over to look for him found him dead there was very small entrance holes i could barly see them and no exit i found both bullets in opsite side skin and i have both theres really nothing left they barly weigh 50 grains i was very disappointed that i had no exit and no bullet shock he just stood there in pain i think its not a good weigh to kill a animal kinda slow death i like to shock them i would have thought that 195 bullet going 3050 fps and at only 210 yds would have a complete pass threw and would have more shock i will nvr use bergers again going back to eld x or accubond just was curious if any one esle had results like this i dont no how people are killn elk with these when they dont even penetrate 200lbs axis deer

Hunter Hybrid or Extreme Outer Limit?
The ones I used released all the energy in the form of volleyball size exit wounds. Didn't like it. mtmuley
I like to drop the animal instant death if possible i wasnt happy with how the deer just stood there like nothing i think there to soft and instead of delivering shock the bullet is just blowing up instead transfering energy to animal the bullet explodes i wont be using them nomore
I am trying 165gr Sierra HPBT in my 30-06. So far all I have shot have been goats. The performance of the bullets have been outstanding. Our Axis deer should be coming out of velvet pretty soon so I get to see how well they work on deer.
Your using a bullet designed to kill stuff at a lower velocity. If it had been at 1300 yards it would have looked like it got hit in the head with a lightning bolt. I had the same experience with 180 gr vld’s in .300 wm. Doe whitetail took two perfect broadside shots at 85 yards.. just stood there... it was dead just didn’t know it yet. After about a min it fell over. When we gutted it there were hundreds of pieces of bullet all over inside.. no exit wounds.. a few weeks later i shot a bull at 582 yards with the same gun and it collapsed instantly.. I am in the process of building the same gun to shoot the same bullets, 0-300 I will probably shoot partitions or accubonds, 300+ will be the 195’s.. I have experienced the best performance with vld’s/hybrids 1300-2000fps , 2000-2700 they usually blow a hole out the back side but still knock the animal down, 2700+ and they desentigrate..
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Ill give the bullets one more try at longer range see what happens i will say they are very accuarte kinda picky to load but once u find the sweet spot they are accuarte took them out to 650 yards last sunday shot a 4 inch group at 650 and i fired 6 shoots to 3 shot groups all 6 bullets where in 4 inchs of each other at 650
Rodney try ballistic tips i usually shoot those they are awesome on deer and goats its like flipn a switch instant death
I've shot Berger for a lot of years out of 300 win and 7mm rem. Under 350-400 yards I expect a entrance hole, complete obliteration of the vitals and what's left of bullet under hide on opposite side. Over 400 I expect a pass through with more of an intact mushroomed type wound. Just the way those bullets are designed. I've had elk with pass throughs at 700 yards. I'm any case the animals are dead. Not looking to argue just sharing what has been my observation.
Piss poor short range performance ended it for me. Not the bullets fault, I'm just not willing to risk it. mtmuley
Any one try the 175 eldx bullets yet how are they on game i no the 6.5mm 143 eldx is a fast killer
What's your twist dias?

I'd stick with a long/heavy that I could stretch as far as I could...look at the Hammers or the Scenars...195 @ 3050 will spoil ya.
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Thanks for the suggestion on ballistic tips. I don't use them because of complaints from too many hunters. I have tried and have had really good results with the Accubond. I use the 200 gr in my 30-06 for feral cattle.
I have yet to have a "failure" with a Berger. Fingers crossed. One quick internet search of "____bullet failure" (insert any brand) and you'll find complaints. There's always going to be those few that seem to make folks blanket the entire cross section. I don't fault those who've had bad experiences though either. We all have to make a choice at some time.
No harley my barrel is a hart 26 inch 660 at muzzle its a 1-8 twist and my chamber is cut for the 195 bergers i built the gun around those bullets as i was hoping for good results ill try longer shots and see if i have better results
Rodney i shoot 200 accubonds out my 300 weatherby i really like thise bullets i also shot 160 accubonds out my 7mm rum at 3350 there awesome out my rum

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