The level of ignorance is mind boggling.
First, you have much more limited rights as a federal employee than you do if you work in the private sector. Striking or refusing to report for work as ordered can result in termination and/criminal prosecution. Seeking outside employment can result in the same if it appears to create a conflict of interest so in some cases must be approved by the Ethics Office (which is closed due to furlough). Despite what you see from both parties, there are ethics laws.
Requiring people to incur the costs of transportation and childcare required to report to work, without paying them should be (and is for non-federal employers) illegal.
All this garbage about rich federal employees is assinine. I must work in the wrong branch. The only people I know pulling in 6 figures are upper managers, who would be getting Golden parachutes and 7 figures in the private sector. The reason the “average” federal pay has appeared to rise is because they’ve axed many of the low paying jobs and now contract those out. Your rank and file fed isn’t making anywhere close to 6 figures. Plus in reality, the shutdown has a bigger impact than it would have in the past because fewer folks now going without pay are covered by this whole backpay bill. They work for private contractors and will never recoup those lost wages. But, yea shutdown!
Second, it’s really funny to hear people bash any federal employees, but the military and veterans are sacred. Um, folks do realize that the federal government (not just the military branches) is the largest employer of veterans, right? And they are a significant portion of those not being paid right now? They work in positions from HR to contracting, biology, engineering, maintenance, you name it. Many are young families, have a lot of medical bills and other expenses and yes, even though people can’t seem to grasp the concept, many are living paycheck to paycheck. But hey, they’re just lazy SOBs getting rich off the government tit. Thank you for your service, my ass.
Third, it’s pretty telling just how essential federal employees are when thousands are being called back (under questionable legal authority) because their absences are causing too much disruption. Get rid of all those lazy employees, except the ones that keep my recreational opportunities open, or the ones that give me my tax refund, or the ones who process my business loan, or the ones who inspect the safety of my food, or.....:W:
another great post.