Caribou Gear

2021 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous - Raton NM


Active member
Oct 20, 2020
"The rendezvous is calling you so bring your guns and steel!"

Maybe it's just my wishful imagination thinking for me but it seems like the weather may be warming up just a smidge. And like the mountaineers holed up in winter camp this brings my mind to one thing: Rendezvous!!!! Indeed it is coming up quick so let's jump right into then. Earlier this month the first annual Santa Fe Trails Winter Rendezvous was the scene of some shining times enjoyed by a camp of hardy buckskinners who braved the weather. Many thanks to Lee Briscoe for booshwaying the event and to Jonathan Koziol for taking the reins for 2022.

SFT Summer Rendezvous is moving forward full steam ahead and it's shaping up for glory.

Early set up is June the 11th.

My original plan had been to not allow vehicles in camp that were not official after opening ceremonies. Since then I have spoken to a number of traders who would like to set up but will be getting in late. This rendezvous needs traders and new blood and I have decided that late arrivals can bring their vehicles into camp for ONE hour between 8 am and 8 pm.

This does NOT mean anyone with a load of groceries can drive in. Nor does it mean you can camp in long term and drive in to leave before closing ceremonies. That's what short term is for. That's the new news right now. Let me just add that a rendezvous is a big pot of stew that everyone contributes too.

With that in mind respect your neighbor, always consider what is or is not authentic, remember who we are and who we represent as buckskinners.

If anyone has questions, concerns or just wants to shoot the bull feel free to give me call. If anyone has events coming up before SFTR I would certainly appreciate it if you would take a stack of fliers with you. Travel safe, keep healthy, mind your hair and I'll see you all in Raton!

Dirty Shirt

575 425 5433