First off...I would like to thank Darren for letting me continue to come up to his place and cause such carnage
Opening morning nothing was stirring...not even a mouse...oops wrong story
Wasn't seeing anything but bushy tails until about a quarter after nine. Then I saw 3 deer coming my way
I picked out the biggest and fired, she ran down the ridge 100 yards or so and the other two just stood there. I was talking to Darren on the radio and watched them walk away. Then I reloaded and climbed down from the treestand and started trailing the doe. When I got about 30 yards from where she was, but I could not see her, there was a deer standing there looking down where the dead deer was. Being as I like to whack and stack, I fired once again. When the smoke cleared I continued down the blood trail and found the first deer. The second deer was down but still alive, so I fired again. I can imagine what Darren must have been thinking...FLIPPER...3 shots....hummmm...= 3 deer, "He's killed the whole family."
Sunday morning only saw 1 deer...but a PACK of of them is no longer with the pack
Opening morning nothing was stirring...not even a mouse...oops wrong story

Wasn't seeing anything but bushy tails until about a quarter after nine. Then I saw 3 deer coming my way

Sunday morning only saw 1 deer...but a PACK of of them is no longer with the pack