We touch on the recent denial of the petition to ban black bear hunting in California, hear about a new RMEF land acquisition in Oregon on the Siuslaw National Forest, and ponder what's happening to our wildlife in spring blizzards.
I went back to school and learned about proper British game bird cookery from Yorkshire's Food and Drink Ambassador, Gilly Robinson.
Where Wildlife Fits in Our Future
Randy and Marcus discuss the closure of millions of acres of land to non-subsistence hunters in Alaska and talk about how ANILCA (Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act) came to be and how it dictates federal laws of wild game hunting.
Beau's new Divide Series Tents, the no-net loss bill in Georgia, the Crazy Mountain land access case, and a new study on wolf dynamics and the effects of hunting and trapping wolves, helping veterans learn how to archery elk hunt, invasive fish species and more!
We talk about a new public property in Tennessee with some excellent elk habitat. We talk about corner crossing in Wyoming, killing big bucks to reduce CWD, and how the drought in Utah affects the available deer tags for the 2022 Utah general deer season.
Public Trust Doctrine and Wildlife Allocation
After a night of modern-day "lamping" for rabbits with thermal imaging scopes, we discuss rabbits, hares, and the many different facets of hunting/conservation between America and Europe.
Marcus and Jonathan Spear discuss the public's attitude and tolerance towards bear hunting and more.