Wyoming Migration Initiative, mule deer migration barriers, bird flu sweeping across the country, bill to ban lead ammunition on U.S. Fish Wildlife Service land, and bulls for billionaires.
Complications of Wild Sheep Management
In this episode (90) of Elk Talk Podcast Corey and Randy talk about the things they are doing in the offseason to learn more about elk. With tags soon to come out, E-scouting will start in earnest, requiring a lot of time spent with maps,...
Randy talks about the recent court case in Wyoming where four hunters were found not guilty of criminal trespass in regards to using a stepladder to cross from one corner of public land to another.
We touch on the recent denial of the petition to ban black bear hunting in California, hear about a new RMEF land acquisition in Oregon on the Siuslaw National Forest, and ponder what's happening to our wildlife in spring blizzards.
I went back to school and learned about proper British game bird cookery from Yorkshire's Food and Drink Ambassador, Gilly Robinson.
Where Wildlife Fits in Our Future