Corey and Randy are getting ready for elk season. A variety of listener questions are discussed, including elk walking through your camp, calling in a grizzly bear, invisible and abundant mountain lions, Colorado ballot initiative, every hunter should vote, hunter […]
In this episode (#130) of the Elk Talk Podcast, Corey and Randy are together in Bozeman and talking about the upcoming elk season, and few legislative proposals that might impact elk hunting. Topics include making Idaho general tags a draw […]
In this episode (#129) of Elk Talk Podcast Randy and Corey are taking a lot of viewer questions. Topics covered include their season plans for 2024, solo elk calling challenge, set-up mistakes, Randy’s elk hunting E-Guide, two basics of elk calling, why elk […]
Corey and Randy are at the Total Archery Challenge in Big Sky Montana. Corey and the best elk callers in the world are there for RMEF’s world elk calling championship. Topics covered include elk calling, Colorado change to OTC archery […]
Corey and Randy host Dustin Diefenderfer of MTN TOUGH. Topics covered include Dustin’s hunting passions, archery elk hunting, the “packout from hell,” cardio versus strength, and the obvious benefits of physical preparation for elk hunting, yet goes far deeper into […]
In this episode (#126) of Elk Talk Podcast, Corey and Randy are taking up the discussion after a weekend with 600 of RMEF’s volunteers. Topics include shed antler seasons and issues, winter ranges off-limits, access to elk, growing private land […]
Corey and Randy share the mic with Charlie Decker, one of four co-founders of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Recorded at the 40th Anniversary of RMEF, the topics covered include how it all started, the early failures, rough times, near […]
Corey and Randy explore many off-season topics related to elk hunting information, various state deadlines, money generated by point schemes, deflating your points, the future of OTC tags, changes to point systems and point creep, slanting the table to well-heeled […]
Randy and Corey follow up on a listener email where a Colorado Wildlife Commissioner claimed that State Trusteeship of Wildlife is legal fiction. In addition to updates on the deadlines for MT, CO, and UT, topics covered include qualification to […]
Corey and Randy discuss a variety of topics to include Randy’s Top Five Elk Hunting Mistakes, scientific selection of a hunting unit versus choosing an area that fits your hunting style, what criteria to use for selecting a unit, hunter […]