Here is my advice on negotiating for time off or salary or whatever. Make your requests during the hiring process. Don't have your plan be that you will take an offer you are unhappy about and then dazzle them with your performance and go back every 3-6 months and renegotiate. First off they...
His argument about money come back to the US from other countries buying our products replacing jobs lost in the steel industry is flawed and time has shown that has not happened. The majority of US exports are commodities and airplanes. The lost blue collar jobs from NAFTA never came back.
Mora can't be beat for the price. If you want something to last a long time without sharpening the the s90v or s110v or similar CPM steels are great. There is a discontinued spyderco designed by Phil Wilson in s90v that is my personal favorite. Putting a coarser edge on a knife helps with...