I don't think the advancements are performance based as it is tuning. Bowtech and Elite have not needed a bow press for their flagship bows for the last few years. Just an allen wrench and you can either move your cams or tilt your limb pockets at the line with no bow press needed. PSE came...
When I scout for deer, I am looking for big buck sign for the most part. Where I am looking and finding buck beds now in February and March is where they are bedding in early season for the most part and not late season. Right now, either the canopy is gone because the leaves fell, the marsh...
Nothing but boots on the ground. I look at On-x, decide which part of a property I want to check out, start looking for buck sign, photograph what I see, log it, and walk out. ATVs and UTVs aren't allowed on public hunting grounds in WI. By the way, plenty of Coyote tracks in the snow on the...
Very cool rub. I do the same. The beginning the new year is my favorite time to scout. Right now, all the marshes and swamps are frozen over which really helps to locate bedding areas that are usually very difficult to access. Congrats on the small game as well.
I don't put any real stock in that at all. There is private land all around the places I scout. Plenty of browse, mild winters here in Southern WI, no snow, etc. Herds are alive and healthy here.
Just spent the better of half of the day scouting for next season. How much scouting do you do on public land? When do you start? What type of terrain do you favor when scouting (big woods, marshes, hill country, swamp land, river bottoms, etc.)? I wish all the ponds and creeks I crossed...
I have a friend that lives in Lake Zurich but bought hunting land in Wisconsin towards the Green Bay area. He just never had anything good to say about hunting in IL. I have another friend in Gurnee who refuses to pheasant hunt in IL and comes up to WI to do so. I have no first hand...
In all seriousness, what is Illinois good for when it comes to hunting? I've heard of Pike county producing massive deer but a friend was explaining your pheasant season which seems entirely screwed up.
I called the DNR and they told me that because I answer the third question which is something like "is there a zone where you would be happy to get a tag if you don't get your first two preferences", I end up kind of shooting myself in the foot. The guy said that if you leave the third question...
Every year I seem to always get season D in Wisconsin for spring turkey even though I request A or B. Sure enough, the draw results came in the mail today with another big fat D on the card. In fact, the earliest I think I've ever got was C. My neighbor has always gotten his first choice and...