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    My son's 2023 Colorado OTC Public Land Bull!

    Congrats on your success, definitely a story that will live forever.
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    Idaho Elk trip

    Nice, congrats!
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    Son's first bull (UT)

    great job, congrats!!
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    game bags vs pillow cases

    I believe it's a personal preference.
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    2023 Colorado Elk and Deer

    congrats on your success!!
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    Our first ever elk hunt!

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    Hunt recap - first elk

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    First bull!!

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    15 year old sons first elk hunt

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    Rifle Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice for 2023

    I'm going with a Remington 783 .30-06. but it will be for next year
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    Packing for first trip to hunt elk???

    Any luck on your hunt?