No just straight up migrating green heads. Then a random drake pintail. All while pheasant hunting they just randomly popped up off a nearby ditch and came over me and I happened to be hunting with steel because it was all I had.
Well I got back from Montana last week and it was an awesome hunt! I was able to stop in Wyoming on the way up and kill some pheasants and an odd drake mallard and pintail. Overall, the pheasant hunt was slower than past years for some reason the birds were hopping up way out in front of the...
Thanks for the reply. I called a couple and they are full. How do the type 2 work that are administered as "written permission obtained from FWP"? Are they unlimited number of entries per day or do they still regulate the number of parties entering that piece in a day? I am new to the BMA thing.
Hello everyone I am coming up to Montana this coming week for my first hunt in the state. I am planning on hunting region 7 for whitetail (yes I am aware that numbers are down). I am really just planning on having a good experience in the state and exploring some new country and having a chance...
Hey I like just being in the woods. Even if that is just packing meat. My record so far is being involved in 13 elk kills in a year, got really comfortable packing meat that year lol.
Hello all! I thought Id introduce myself. My name is Ryan and live in Wyoming. I am a 32-year-old avid hunter/fisherman/outdoorsman. Looking forward to helping out with hunts here in Western Wyoming and learning as much as I can for my future hunts elsewhere. I leave for Montana in a few days I...
Being a Wyoming Resident I get the luxury of being able to hunt them for over 2 months on the same tag. After years of doing it and countless harvests I now either hunt them in August with a bow or wait until mid October. You will also find that some tags (Type 2) have a better draw odds for the...
You can darn near see my house in the harvest photos lol. Aiden's whole family is great people and have had nothing but great encounters with them over the years. It was a tough year for the migration hunt. I was helping friend with another limited quota unit north of there with similar...