PEAX Equipment

Search results

  1. chilidog61

    West coast salmon recovery

    There have been some great suggestions here and it is nice to to see so many people concerned with the salmon populations. Like many of you have pointed out, there are many factors or variables that contribute to the success or decline of a population. It is usually a complex interaction of a...
  2. chilidog61

    New member from CO

    Hello from Brighton!
  3. chilidog61

    Work from Home - How's it Work?

    I feel like I am more available to coworkers and clients now then I ever was in the office. Setting a lists and due times/dates is crucial for my production. It allows me to lay out work days without worry of people interrupting me. Plus eliminating the commuting is so great. I didn't realize...
  4. chilidog61

    Switching Dog Breeds

    Really just depends on what you want to do and what your future hunting goals are. Had a buddy who loved labs do to the versatility and ability to hunt waterfowl late in the year. He then moved to a location that favored upland hunting with limited waterfowl. His next two dogs have been griffons...
  5. chilidog61

    New guy

  6. chilidog61

    Iowa legislative assault on public land and wildlife

    I grew up in Iowa and have seen the ups and down of this state when it comes to conservation. Lately, it has been hard to watch. I just wrote everyone on the committee. Fingers crossed the right thing will get done.
  7. chilidog61

    Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

    I think you will have a lot of fun. From what I have read and buddies that live up there, the Mule Deer numbers in Eastern MT have been pretty good but slowly decreasing. Even though the terrain may be easier then the mountains still prepare to put on miles. It is open country and to get into...
  8. chilidog61

    New guy

  9. chilidog61

    Anyone considering the F150 Electric?

    So I drove an electric vehicle in California for a road trip with my family. We drove up and down the coast and here are my thoughts. Do give you some background I am full support of going electric in a truck or any of my vehicles, but I want to be honest. 1) Currently more and more energy...
  10. chilidog61

    DIY Eastern Colorado Antelope hunt.

    Agreed with BoulderBulls. For now I would build points in Colorado and focus maybe in Wyoming if you really want to antelope. You use to have a chance at pulling an antelope in tag in Wyoming with zero points but that has gotten more difficult. Wyoming still has more opportunities then Colorado...
  11. chilidog61

    Midwest to Colorado

    It's on the to do list for sure!
  12. chilidog61

    My first bird dog

    Life has changed. You will never be without a pup now. Enjoy the ride and memories.
  13. chilidog61

    Midwest to Colorado

    Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi to the group. Midwest farm kid turned Fish Biologist and now Data Analysis. Good listener who enjoys being outside to hunt, fish, or anything else. Still learning a lot and hope to never stop. Still have not had a bad day outside.
  14. chilidog61

    Wolves attack cows on ranch again

    They just passed an emergency policy to allow ranchers to use wolf hazing rules. They can't outright shoot them but can use methods to deter them. This has been a super controversial...