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  1. Crivdogg

    SE BMA land

    if you read the block management hunting access guide, there are certain properties that seem to be more popular and access to the is given through a lottery. I'm looking at page 134 of the BMA access guide right now, under region 7, property number 416 Brewer Ranch, it states "reservations...
  2. Crivdogg

    SE BMA land

    access to this particular property is through a lottery
  3. Crivdogg

    Another reason WA sucks
  4. Crivdogg

    SE BMA land

    is it worth it?
  5. Crivdogg

    Eastern Montana Deer

    gotcha, sorry I misunderstood. that is quite a haul from Glasgow to Ekalaka.
  6. Crivdogg

    Another reason WA sucks

    It takes 20 years to get drawn for a quality elk tag in WA so I feel your pain man!
  7. Crivdogg

    Another reason WA sucks

    I've never driven through there but its no surprise. lots of folks from WA hunt out of state for better opportunities
  8. Crivdogg

    Eastern Montana Deer

    I'm not sure if that is the actual name of the Ranch, but the BMA booklet calls it 416 Brewer Ranch. On X has it listed as Brewer Ranch as well. Its basically just due east of Powderville on the east side of the Powder River. Looks to be about a 1 hour drive from the Chalk Buttes area
  9. Crivdogg

    Eastern Montana Deer

    my brother and I got approved for 3 days on the Brewer Ranch this year (November 14-16) under the BMA program. We were planning on camping near chalk buttes and hunting the ranch, then hunting chalk buttes if we dont fill our tags on the ranch. I'm hoping there is plenty of rut activity at that time
  10. Crivdogg

    About 5 days

    My buddy got drawn for muzzle loader bull elk in GMU 653 with 9 points.
  11. Crivdogg

    Another reason WA sucks

    fellow Washingtonian here as well. our state special draw system sucks! the odds are always against you no matter how many points you got
  12. Crivdogg

    Another reason WA sucks

    I am from WA and I go to MT to hunt whenever I get drawn for a general license. Waaay better hunting in MT
  13. Crivdogg

    Another reason WA sucks

    it gets worse for us every year up here in WA. They are now trying to get rid of spring bear hunting too
  14. Crivdogg

    Spot and Stalk Washington Mulie

    that is an amazing WA buck! we dont get many like that here in WA! congrats man!
  15. Crivdogg

    New from the state of Washington

    I'm from western WA (Buckley) and just found this forum as well! looks good so far!
  16. Crivdogg

    W@ h!gh buck

    awesome pics! which wilderness area is this? My brother and I go into the eastern side of Alpine Lakes for high buck.
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