We did both get moose and saw quite a few, they were smaller bulls and we waited to the last day before we decided to fill our tags. We went second week and the rut already was going because bulls were locked down with cows. If I was to go with Eric again I would make it a point that I would...
We did the fly in and saw a far amount of moose. I only saw one big one 48" and couldn't get close enough for a shot. My buddy and I both saw another that went probably 40". Our guides were Glen and Henry. I am not sure I would go back with Eric again though. It appears he has sold off some of...
Just ran into Erik and his wife at the sports show here in Michigan. They have been running around since the end of the season. Not a reason to not answer you requests but they are still operating.
We just hunted with them this past fall and they didn't say anything about closing up. I know that they have scaled down their operation which I think put to much pressure on the bulls in the areas they are hunting. I do know that they take along time to respond to emails and phine calls, also I...
Thanks guys, I'm from Michigan and our system here is pretty straigh forward on animals we need for points. Like bears, I can apply for the year or just purchase a point. I click on what I want and pay, easy as it can get. I'm not planning on hunting this year so I guess I'll just wait until...
Looking for some help on applying for just a point for the coming year. The Montana Fish & Game sight is pretty usless when it comes to this. Is there just a place that I can apply for just a deer point or am I missing something very obvious? I know it takes 2 to 3 years so just want to apply...
I was told by the Kuiu rep when I bought my guide pants that Kuiu only makes one length in their pants. Short people can have them altered but tall guys are screwed. That is one of the reasons I don't have more Kuiu, Sitka has waist and length to choose from.
I went on a snowmobile trip to Finland a couple of years back. I packed my gear bag and checked it but thought that I should probably carry my helmet on since it is a expensive helmet. Well I put it on the scanner and went through the metal detector and was waiting for my helmet and back pack to...
Thanks guys, I will have to dig deeper into the website to find the deer only preference point. I found the combo elk/deer so it has to be in the same general location I would think.
Can someone tell me did I miss the date to apply for just a deer preference point for Montana? I see that the combo deer elk seems to be open but didn't see the deer only. I'm figuring that I missed it but I have been known to not always look in the correct screens when it comes to this...
Thanks for the help guys,
We didn't realize Colorado was still open so we applied there we will see what happens. Neve thought of Texas but might look there as well. Again thanks for all the help.
We are just looking for a place to go that we have a chance at a decent deer. We realize it won't be a 200"+ type hunt but just looking for someplace to just have a good time and the chance to shoot a decent represenitive. Not interested in doing a western bow hunt this year.
Hi guys, long story short me and my buddy had some mixed signals and we only applied for points this year in various states. Now we don't really have anything to plan for this year. Does anyone know of OTC mule deer tags and maybe a outfitter recomendation? We are looking to do a rifle hunt. I...
We put peanut butter on our finger and put the pill in the peanut butter oper her mouth and stick it to her tonge, goes right down. She loves it and it is fun to watch them with the sticky peanut butter on their tongue.