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  1. hunter72


    LOL thats because your head always hurts
  2. hunter72


    If your head still hurts maybe you need to get back to school. I broke it down as much as I was going too for just you. so sorry
  3. hunter72


    After writing about our trip which everyone on these sites would like to hear about. Good, Bad, Or indifferent. If there is nothing said, then everyone can only say they were just here for one reason. (Information) After Months of not telling of my son and my trip I gave it a whirl. In Many...
  4. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    I think it's always worth a tag. Utah over the counter spike tags if you're looking for just meat. pretty hard to come by a premium elk tag in every state due to the damn draw points everything else is go take your chances. CO has lots of Elk but also a lot of Hunters. all that do not draw a...
  5. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    3rd season tags Buck tags are well worth and I can tell you right where to go for a big Mulie.
  6. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    I spend more time Chinook Salmon fishing than elk hunting because I can't draw a damn tag either but this season I will be with the son and help him find a big bull if he is lucky to have the opportunity.
  7. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    well for one I'd never pay that to hunt anywhere period I take a chance like yourself and never draw, and the son drew, and he feels very lucky. the only ones that can afford it in most cases are rich guy who Know nothing about hunting anyway. I know res that purchase LO tag if they are not...
  8. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    I dont know about the eplus. All I know is what they indicate the NR get at 6% with the low numbers is only as indicated on a Gila hunt less than 0.033% chance to draw. Maybe I should apply for an eplus tag then huh tell me more. Look at the total NR draw in the state. and R draw in the state...
  9. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    Hi There, I think when I see the numbers of tags given out in NM and the numbers of res and non res it makes sense why it is so darn hard to draw. When you look at the odds a NR has you might think different, and it is the luck of the draw. Take the Gila for instance with the numbers of NR and...
  10. hunter72

    bscott199 Are u still around number 1 and how did your wife's hunt go in 6A? We are DIY archery...

    bscott199 Are u still around number 1 and how did your wife's hunt go in 6A? We are DIY archery hunters and yes everything will be much different than your rifle hunt. But! Did you see very many animals during your hunt? any big bulls? was the terrain beneficial for the two of you and did you...
  11. hunter72

    ssmoore are you still around as I would like to chat with you or PM you but no way to do that as...

    ssmoore are you still around as I would like to chat with you or PM you but no way to do that as I have a few questions
  12. hunter72

    TO all Hunt Talkers Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you and Yours. Wishing all a great New year with you draws for 24. Good luck and most of all be safe. Hunter75
  13. hunter72

    NM Outfitters Draw (Resident vs Non Resident)

    Khunter what is your story on the outfitter draw? would love to hear this one?
  14. hunter72

    NM Outfitters Draw (Resident vs Non Resident)

    So sorry professor I'm not an English major and write the way I see it. If you don't like so, be it. This has come from so many residents there has to be more to than what you think. Obviously!
  15. hunter72

    NM Outfitters Draw (Resident vs Non Resident)

    the outfitter pool definitely does suck big time. You don't want to hunt OR anyway it sucks also, and I live here and know how bad or HAS BECOME.
  16. hunter72

    NM Outfitters Draw (Resident vs Non Resident)

    Here is my take on this Resident, Nonresident take on this highly competitive argument. I have to admit writing and not thinking and just putting down issues that have meant so much to many especially the Residents of this wonderful State NM. In writing my initial comment what was supposed to...
  17. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    SAJ99 You did know that MT has one of the largest elk populations in the US. Some there don't like the NR but the state sure does with the revenue it brings in. They, MT has to give the number of tags out along with the dates being so far out in order to keep the herds in check. One nice thing...
  18. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    SAJ99 I'm not upset about me not drawing a tag as I have Bow Hunted for 35+ years and killed many Elk and Muley's and Blacktails and Rosies But for my son is whom I want to draw an elk tag. The way this country today is going I worry about my Grandkids My great grand kids and the stupidity of...
  19. hunter72

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    SAJ99 those other states that have the few that say F--K the out of staters were definitely in the Military. Because we all stood for one another and fought side by side and carried those out whom were in arms way. And You know what It didn't matter to me if he was from Louisiana, NM, CO, MT...
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