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  1. O

    Old school Ozarks traditions

    I live between clever and hurley about 15 minutes from nixa and I work in ozark. As for Table fair great the best example I can give for how good they are is you'll have 30 plus people show up to a fish fry on the bank. And never have left overs
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    The ozarks is a special place especially if you can really lear about the activities that the locals keep secret
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    We don't get many carp but we do on occasion and exactly right cooked the same
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    Glad I could bring back some memories my grandpa has a lot of gigging stories from the old wooden boat days before they had "sissy" bars
  5. O

    Old school Ozarks traditions

    We call them grabbing ladders they aren't as common as they use to be but the are still around a lot of guys carry small ladders with them now. We can't gig in the spring time here Just grab. We gig a few types of red horse and hog suckers here. Mt family left the Appalachian mountains of...
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    Nixa missouri has a sucker days celebration every year for grabbing season it's not as based around the fish as it was in the past bit still cool.
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    It's good the only fish we keep primarily are suckers that we gig and cat fish we catch on bank poles in the spring. In my opinion a fresh fried sucker is 2nd only in flavor to a walleye. And canned they are good as well I've never smoked one so I can't say how they would turn out. Most of the...
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    These days fried. A few people do can still . When we fry we scale the fish then fillet skin on and score the meat about an 1/8 apart and fry in hot grease. Scoring cooks out the y bones.
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    We snag ( called grabbing locally) in the spring
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    Old school Ozarks traditions

    Ask anything you like. I'll do my best to answer
  11. O

    Old school Ozarks traditions

    Not one of mine but one from an antique store 3 and 4 prong are the most common. And I have killed a few turkeys down there my family has been in this same holler the since 1840s
  12. O

    Old school Ozarks traditions

    Gigging suckers is an old tradition in the Ozarks and any given night you might find a bunch of folks on a river bank waiting to eat fried suckers while a boat runs up and down the river. Today you'll see big flat bottom jon boats pushed by jet motors with electric lights which I use regularly...
  13. O

    Another ozark mountain coon hunt

    There's a big hunt going on in Mississippi over 600 dogs entertained
  14. O

    Another ozark mountain coon hunt

    Another good hunt here in the ozarks this hunt finds. Us in the piney wilderness area for those familiar with the area its just west of cape fair and table rock lakes james river arm. The country is beautiful in my opinion but it was a little to steep for my hunting partners so I only made one...
  15. O

    Coon hunt

  16. O

    Coon hunt

  17. O

    Coon hunt

    Thank you
  18. O

    Coon hunt

    Went on a coon here in the ozarks took my boss with me it was his first hunt killed 3 I on 2 trees the first went 250 and had 2 coons in one tree the other was a 700 yard track that held one large sow coon. Wish i could post a treeing video for you all to hear.

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