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  1. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Any hockey fans out there?

    Man if they get two players in a handful of years that can go straight from college to playing in the pros, that would be wild. I still can't believe how great faber has proven to be
  2. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Any hockey fans out there?

    Isn't he the wild's future super star?
  3. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    That sticker doesn't mention a thing about what your complaining about. All it shows is your bigotry
  4. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    It's pretty sad that people have to show outward support for a group of children that are statically more likely to be bullied and commit suicide. I agree with you completely. This shouldn't need to be shown, we add a society should care for all of our citizens, especially those who are most...
  5. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Evaluate the ROI on Education

    Pto, retirement, health insurance, flex hours, etc are not guaranteed in the trades. In my experience before graduation all of those listed were not available unless you were part of the union and even then I don't think you get all of them, usually get one or two
  6. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Late ice pike

    Nice freaking fish man! I go after them in the spring ( going in two weeks might be late with the early break up this spring) and my goal is to get an SD proud angler which is 40". We've gotten two over that mark in the half a dozen years of going out.... As others have said, those cross the...
  7. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Late ice pike

    Take any measurements on them?
  8. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Your dog’s quirk?

    Good thread. Dex has many quirks in life. Most relate to sounds, both logical and illogical. Gun shy, logical Afraid of pan frying, logical (got bit by bacon young I think) Fireworks, logical Twitter tweet sound, illogical IPhone screenshot sound, illogical Basically any phone...
  9. SD_Prairie_Goat

    WA proposes ban on baiting

    Verbiage is limited to cervids only, not predators
  10. SD_Prairie_Goat

    WA proposes ban on baiting

    Never been into laying out bait for game anyway so I don't really see this as a loss
  11. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Reloading Lot, Great for beginner, 308 and 243 dies

    Price reduction $200 for the lot
  12. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Day Trespass fees for turkeys and deer

    Very fair all around! I wish we allocated more dollars as it would improve so many things. Not sure if you guys saw it but a couple years ago we had a nasty wind storm reminiscent of the dust bowl around here. They figured it took 3mm of top soil from the entire eastern part of SD. Not saying...
  13. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Day Trespass fees for turkeys and deer

    Looking specifically at the Dakotas and crp/crep the issue isn't price, it's that the feds don't allocate enough dollars for how many acres want to be enrolled in the programs. More farmers want to enroll more acres than there are funds available. Side note, comparing Montana programs to...
  14. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Reloading Lot, Great for beginner, 308 and 243 dies

    Selling the lot of my reloading stuff. Haven't used it in a couple of years and just collected dust. Can provide more info as needed, hoping to sell as a lot. In person preferred, but willing to ship at the buyers expense. $200 RCBS JR3 Rifle Press 77 Heavy Cast Iron single stage press...
  15. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Day Trespass fees for turkeys and deer

    Never actually met anyone that hunts that way so no clue. I've always been able to locate on public, but with that being said I imagine the cost is directly related to the quality of hunting ground meaning it's not a one size fits all approach
  16. SD_Prairie_Goat

    New Base Camp

    For me the most important is always a nice warm bed, and somewhere I can go to the bathroom without feeling cramped. That last part seems to be the difficult one in camper life... Enjoy the comforts my dude!
  17. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Hard to predict when the right time is... 😂 that being said I don't believe in sitting on the sidelines as will resulting in watching gains that could have been. At this point I have 25 buy in events. And a money horizon in the decades so the actual point doesn't matter a ton in the grand...
  18. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Chasing the bottom isn't ultimately what I'm employing. I have a pile of cash but want to reduce my risk during these volitile times by spreading out my buys so hopefully I don't catch either extreme
Kenetrek Boots

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