How are we going to increase income for willing landowners? Maybe give tax breaks for landowners who offer a quality hunts to the public on their property and on the flip side, landowners who only outfit should pay more in taxes for the public resource they are harvesting with the money going...
Daily average for me is 3 to 5 but I know my areas well and that helps. I never hunt any farther than I can pack an Elk out and that distance is getting shorter the older I get.
It gets tougher the later in the season you go. Elk have been talked to for a month now and are very cautious. Hunt the transitions zones from the north face bedding cover and listen and call very sparingly. Use raking and moans to sound different than most hunters. Good luck.
I think it's hilarious that the few people who that would actually hunt after 70 with a cross bow is somehow going to kill every elk on the mountain and ruin this sport that we all love is asinine. I for one would want my dad or uncle's every opportunity to hunt as long as they can. I for one...