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  1. VikingsGuy

    A little humour for your day

  2. VikingsGuy

    A little humour for your day

  3. VikingsGuy

    The verdict is in...

    That is a very disrespectful way to refer to your significant other ;)
  4. VikingsGuy

    Suppressor questions

    9 times out of 10 this stuff gets nailed after somebody is arrested for something else - get nailed for poaching with an unstamped suppressor, or get nailed for DWI with a Glock with autosear on it.
  5. VikingsGuy

    The verdict is in...

    Sorry to hear about the boat - but total clickbait title ;) As for boats - it's always something. I have lived the old saying several times - the best two days of owning a boat are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.
  6. VikingsGuy

    Suppressor questions

    The trust buys, but I believe all beneficiaries of the trust have to be otherwise individually eligible- so minors are out
  7. VikingsGuy

    Suppressor questions

    This is not a substitute for real legal advice, but my understanding is that all “beneficiaries” of the trust each have to meet all the requirements of all state and federal laws to possess the items in the trust. So I take that to mean you have to add them after they can pass NFA rules and...
  8. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    Worth noting, this thread has lasted longer than the legislative session that initiated the OP ;)
  9. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    I absolutely hate administrative agency overreach in all spaces. ATF included. I also hate that, unlike in citizen to citizen interactions, the agencies aren't bound by the clear expectations created by their earlier decisions. (i.e., estoppel). I ride with Gorsuch on his grave concern over...
  10. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    I did not say he didn't believe in an armed general population. I said his draft of the 2A appeared more focused an organized militia from its own words and also said it doesn't really matter what he was thinking as his draft was rejected. That is how you are straying off - you made up in your...
  11. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    You keep straying off. The federalist papers are great, but they were written and published by 3 men of the hundreds that were involved in BoR discussions and ratification a decade later - and the FP were actually antagonistic to the suggestion of a BoR in the first place. And while Madison...
  12. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    As a lawyer (not labor) I have seen it in action many times - and it drives me nuts.
  13. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    I don't think the govt should be able to prevent speech unless is creates a direct threat of physical harm to another. I find hate speech and hate crime laws too ambiguous to be useful in the long run. We already have sufficient tools to punish violence and the inciting of violence. I do not...
  14. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    Nothing unique about 2A - it is across the culture these days. We are now governed by social media crafted narratives, not reality.
  15. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    Seems like these days on both sides of many issues the stronger one’s belief the less one is interested in actually understanding the facts. 🤷‍♂️
  16. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    Madison wrote the first draft in the House, but that was dropped and revised several times and then further in the senate - Madison’s draft had verbiage about not compelling service in the militia for those with religious objections (quakers) - suggesting he viewed the language as a right to...
  17. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    This is my point- you suggest that the above quotes are by the authors of the 2A, yet none of the above folks wrote it. Too many 2A supporters mix narratives. Heck, they weren’t even in Congress or the ratifying state legislatures at the time.
  18. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    I think they are smarter than to write so poorly and to have different versions ratified. If they had universal clarity why not write the even shorter: “The personal right to possess and use arms will not be restricted.” If they meant it to apply to the states why not say that? And to your...
  19. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    Please define “Regulated Militia”. Also note there were actually different versions ratified by different states with different punctuation. One of the most poorly written sections of the whole document. What about the universal understanding in 1790s to the mid-1900s that bill of rights only...
  20. VikingsGuy

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    You need to read more history, the founders were neither that aligned or claravoient. I am a 2A supporter, but if the founders actually had their sh*t together on this topic they would have written a proper coherent sentence to cover it. Also, unlikely most had any interest in it covering...
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