Yeah we didn't get a ton of notice on being granted a governors tag so we were concerned that we could sell enough tickets. Maybe next year. At any rate, it's an opportunity at a tag if you want to to hunt the great state of Iowa. Money is a renewable resource anyway. You know there's a...
When I got Lyme disease last year I never found a tick on me, and never had a bullseye rash, I had no idea I had been bitten. Deer ticks are tiny, pretty easy to miss with a tick check. I'm telling you I've never been so sick in my life.
Permethrin for sure. Drench your clothes in it. Then high deet spray. Having contracted Lyme disease last spring I can promise you that you don't want it.
I'll tell you the most important stat, one that few players (of any gender or sport) will ever match is sell outs. She sold out arenas. Not just here at Carver, but everywhere she goes. I can tell you that the energy here in Iowa City on women's game days is insane. As a father of a female...