I am not sure if this article has been posted but I wanted to get others input before jumping to conclusions. It baffles me that this bill is getting bipartisan support.
Selling Federal Lands?
IDFG really let down the Idaho customers with their terrible online interface. I am still ~3,300 customer and I have waiting in line for 90 minutes while most of the tags have sold out. We deserve better than this.
Gohunt.com is a great resource which can help you decide on what unit. Idaho has a lot of different terrain so it really depends on what country you want to hunt and what your goals are! Best of luck to you.
Please be aware that herbal supplements are NOT regulated by the FDA. These can potentially interact with your home medications and can cause unwarranted side effects. After reviewing the main ingredients it appears there is not sufficient evidence to support this helping with altitude sickness...
The IDFG employees aren't super helpful when you try calling them either about applying for those landowner tags. I don't understand why they didn't keep the tags open to the public and have the properties that were having issues be in contact with IDFG to help direct hunters to those areas of...