Aside from the rack I found nothing remotely interesting or even ethical about this "hunt." Bull was back and forth between 2 feed yards, both on private property. The challenges of the hunt were strictly logistical: who was putting up which cameras, winning the tag in a lottery, schmoozing the...
Which IMO puts BHA ahead of every other hunting-conservation group on the topic of public access to corner-blocked public land. RMEF supports big conservation easements and land transfers, TRCP emphasizes accurate mapping, both important missions. I rejoined and support BHA because of their...
You were doing okay until you mentioned me and got it wrong. I've been encouraged not to return to 2A in this thread, but putting words in others' mouths is a certain way to be . . .
Ostensibly. In fact it is retribution against the previous administration and land preservation movements in general. Also a payback to the big oil/gas donors that paid to elect his ignorant ass.
Colorado congressman who replaced Boebert has introduced a bill that would eliminate BLM recreation facilities along the Arkansas River. This administration wants to erase public lands. In addition to wasting a decade's worth of the local BLM Field Office’s time and resources, this bill would…...