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  1. R

    A beautiful NM BUCK and a scary hunting story.

    First off great job staying positive and continuing to work hard! I agree with what others have said, getting a single deer out with 2 guys should only be a one trip proposition. I would highly reccomend getting packs that can be easily utilized as daypacks and meat haulers.
  2. R

    Public Land Stand Etiquette Question

    I agree, hunt it!
  3. R

    Maybe or maybe NOT, passing on shoot able deer

    I agree, it's a terrible quote. I'll happily fill an A tag with a whitetail doe on the last day but there isn't a day between the first and the last I'd consider it. The other one that gets me is the "the worst day hunting is better than the best day at work". No it's not. I'd much rather...
  4. R

    My NW Oregon Blacktail of a lifetime !

    Gorgeous buck!
  5. R

    Montana Combination Preference Point

  6. R

    Colorado Pronghorn 2018 - Hunting and Fishing Road trip with the (non-hunting) wife

    I figured there would ge a great story here by now!?!?
  7. R

    When things went south.

    This!! Great job following up and finishing what you started!
  8. R

    Front yard buck.

    My thoughts exactly!
  9. R

    Boundary Hunting Question

    Mark your shooting position, first blood and location of carcass on your gps. Pack it out and call it good. I wouldn’t waste anyone’s time to tell them I did nothing wrong.
  10. R

    Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition (arrows)

    Looking forward to the next update!!
  11. R

    Dreams come true

    You are an inspiration on so many levels. Congratulations on fulfilling a dream, and providing the opportunity for someone else to do the same!
  12. R

    Australia visitor after Mule deer questions

    Do you want to hunt mountain bucks or desert bucks? Do you just want to shoot any buck in the chosen area or mature bucks? How much time will you dedicate to being in the region you choose to hunt? There are so many options and variables. Like mentioned above, answer some of the questions above...
  13. R

    Montana general elk

    Especially solo! Although when that last load hits the tailgate, the success is oh so sweet!!
  14. R

    Dedicated Turkey shotgun

    This TSS looks amazing!
  15. R

    Range Finder + Spotter necessary?

    Yes, buy it. You'll be glad you did. Practice with it before go so it becomes second nature.
  16. R

    Range Finder + Spotter necessary?

    Great advice. 250 & 375 can look a lot alike in wide open country. Especially if it's not your usual terrain and you are unfamiliar with the size of your target. I'd never hunt antelope without a range finder and I've hunted them for 20 years.
  17. R

    MT Antelope Unit if You Don't Really Want to Draw, 215-20?

    Just buy a point, don't apply.
  18. R

    DIY Mule Deer

    Well said!
  19. R

    Mallards are over rated!!!

    Ok, I enjoy hunting, shooting and eating mallards too! Although I sure enjoy the colors on late season birds of "other" varieties! What did you shoot this season, besides good ole' green?
  20. R

    How to make a 191" ram look tiny

    So.......what killed all 3 of these rams?
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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