Kenetrek Boots

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  1. mtmander

    MT Ram

    it has been a adventure
  2. mtmander


    it doesn't matter how many NR unguided tags, she got a tag , that is what matters
  3. mtmander

    any promo or discounts on Leupold scopes

    looking for discounts on Leopold scopes , I have seen some large discounts in the internet but don't know if they are real
  4. mtmander

    New Mexico: ORYX

    congrats , a nice hunt
  5. mtmander

    Well..I officially lamed out.

    stayed in , went out for a while and came back , tomorrow is the real opening day
  6. mtmander

    A boy and his bear *update 12-14

    nice vacation
  7. mtmander

    What rifle to build?

    300win mag will do it
  8. mtmander

    A little eastern Montana luck

  9. mtmander

    Wyoming Bighorn sheep

    a fine looking ram
  10. mtmander

    Problem after problem

    look at it this way , at least you are still able to go hunting , and this make a better story than if you shot something the first day
  11. mtmander

    Alberta Ram

    nice ram , it looks like he has a bit of character in his nose
  12. mtmander

    80 mph wind and 20" snow

    sounds like fun
  13. mtmander

    Alaska moose adventure

    a hunt to remember
  14. mtmander

    2019 AK Caribou Hunt

    great experience
  15. mtmander

    Bulls, hell holes, and empty Camelbaks

    nice pictures to go with your adventure
  16. mtmander

    Papa Bear Adventures, Bethel, Alaska DIY Successful Moose Hunt(s)

    looks like you had a good time , were you in a camp or float
  17. mtmander

    Grand Slam, Bottom of the 9th, Colorado OTC

    nice hunt

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